A list,

Robot FrameWork is an open source automated testing FrameWork completely based on Python, RF has encapsulated each module, based on the keyword driven form to achieve automated testing. Its case is easy to read in table form and supports BDD. It can accommodate various external libraries and can inherit Selenium, Appium and Requests for various automation

Two, installation (environment construction)

1. Python must be installed first

RF supports up to python3.7. As discussed, python3.5 is used.

2. Install the robotframework

pip install robotframework

If the installation reports a timeout error, you can use douban image

PIP Install -i pypi.douban.com/simple RobotFramework

3. Install the framework’s GUI tools

PIP install – I https://pypi.douban.com/simple robotframework – ride

4. Install third-party libraries

Web automation library :(Selenium)

PIP install – I robotframework – seleniumlibrary at https://pypi.douban.com/simple

API automation library :(Request)

PIP install – I https://pypi.douban.com/simple robotframework – requests

Three, use,

1. Built-in editing tool (RIDE)

1.1 Creating a Project

1.2 Creating a Test Suite

1.3 Creating Use Cases

1.4 Import tripartite library

1.5 Writing use Cases

1.6 Executing use Cases

1.7 Viewing the Use Case Report

Copy the report address to the browser

2. PyCharm integrated with Robot

2.1 Installing the Robot Plug-in

Open the Settings

Install the IntelLibot plugin

2.2 Writing use cases

2.3 Executing use Cases

Method 1: Run the robot command

Method 2: Add an extension command

2.4 Viewing use case reports using a browser

Right-click the report browser to open and view, and the result is the same as the report that RIED executed

Four, other

RF official website: robotframework.org/