Tooth uncle tutorial is easy to understand

Interface driver data

After the checkbox status changes, modify the data bound to it

  <vertical gravity="center_horizontal">
    <horizontal gravity="center" margin="30">
      <checkbox id="checkbox"></checkbox>

ui.checkbox.on("check", (checked) => {
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Data-driven interface

"ui"; engines.all().map((ScriptEngine) => { if (engines.myEngine().toString() ! == ScriptEngine.toString()) { ScriptEngine.forceStop(); }}); ui.layout( <vertical gravity="center_horizontal"> <list id="list"> <horizontal gravity="center" w="*" margin="10"> <text  textColor="#222222" textSize="16sp" text="{{this.num}}"></text> <checkbox id="checkbox" checked="{{this.state}}"></checkbox> </horizontal> </list> </vertical> ); let dataList = []; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { dataList.push({ num: i, state: ! random(0, 1) }); } ui.list.setDataSource(dataList); ui.list.on("item_click", function (item, i, itemView, listView) { toastLog(i); }); Ui.list. on("item_bind", function (itemView, itemHolder) {ui.list.on(" check", function (checked) { let item = itemHolder.item; item.state = checked; }); }); setTimeout(() => {, i) => { item.state = ! item.state; }); ui.list.adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); ToastLog (" Update data "); }, 2000);Copy the code


In this code example,

Data-driven interfaces coexist with interface-driven data

Interface driver data

Check boxes can change the data in dataList

Ui.list. on("item_bind", function (itemView, itemHolder) {ui.list.on(" check", function (checked) { let item = itemHolder.item; item.state = checked; }); });Copy the code

Data-driven interface

After dataList is modified, the notification interface is updated

setTimeout(() => {, i) => { item.state = ! item.state; }); ui.list.adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); ToastLog (" Update data "); }, 2000);Copy the code

How do I get the status of a check box?

Each check box is implicitly or explicitly bound to a serial number,

Get the status of the check box by serial number

Select * from dataList; select * from dataList;

Do this when you want to get the checked status of a checkbox

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This requires us to maintain a strong consistency of control state and data

Update dataList when checkbox is clicked;

Update checkbox status when dataList data changes

How do I set the status of a check box?

setTimeout(() => { dataList[3].state = ! dataList[3].state; ui.list.adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); ToastLog (" Update data "); }, 4000);Copy the code

Alter table dataList;

Then notify the listView to update the status of the check box

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This tutorial is intended for learning purposes only and is not intended for any other use

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