The article directories

  • Audit/meter
    • Creating audit objects
    • Create a server audit specification
    • Create database audit specifications
    • Enable the audit
    • Viewing audit Logs
    • Delete the audit
  • summary


In simple terms, it tells you who did what and when, and further ensures database security by accounting for it in a log/file. General process for creating and using audits. 1. Create audits and define goals. 2. Create a server audit specification or database audit specification that maps to the audit. Enable audit specifications. 3. Enable auditing. 4. Use The Windows Event Viewer, Log File Viewer, or fn_get_audit_file function to read audit events. A server audit object can be configured with one server audit specification, one or more database audit specifications

Creating audit objects

Create a server audit object ① SQL statement implementation

create server audit myAudit
to file
  filepath = 'D:\'.-- Audit log file path
  maxsize  = 500MB,         The maximum size to which audit files can be increased
  max_rollover_files = 10.-- The maximum number of files to remain in the file system, plus the current file
  reserve_disk_space = off  Presize files on disk by MAXSIZE value
  queue_delay = 1000.Determine the number of milliseconds that can be delayed before an audit action is forced to process
  on_failure = continue   -- Whether the SQL instance is closed when the target cannot be written
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② Interface realization

Right-click new audit -> Set path parameters and so on.

Create a server audit specification

Create a server review specification, implement (a) review BACKUP and RESTORE, (b) database change review ① SQL statement implementation

-- Note: view the server audit specification audit activities
Select name from sys.dm_audit_actions where class_desc='SERVER' and configuration_level='Group'
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create server audit specification mySevSpf
for server audit myAudit
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② Interface realization

Right-click New Server Audit specification -> Add the appropriate audit operation type

Create database audit specifications

To create a database review specification, need to review the (a) table STU query, (b) update operation ① SQL statement implementation

-- Note: view, database review specification can review activities
Select name from sys.dm_audit_actions where class_desc='DATABASE' and configuration_level='Group'
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create database audit specification myDtbSpf
for server audit myAudit
add (select on dbo.stu by public),
add (update on dbo.stu by public)
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② Interface realization

Right-click new Database audit specification -> Add the appropriate audit operation type

Enable the audit


alter server audit specification mySevSpf with (state=on)
alter server audit myAudit with (state=on)
use xscj
alter database audit specification myDtbSpf with (state=on)
-- Disable audit can also be set to off
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② Interface realization

Right-click to enable the database audit specification and do the same for the rest.

Viewing audit Logs


select event_time, action_id, succeeded , session_id ,session_server_principal_name ,
object_name , statement , file_name, audit_file_offset
from sys.fn_get_audit_file('D:\'.default.default)
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② Interface realization

Delete the audit

drop server audit myAudit
drop server audit specification mySevSpf
use xscj
drop database audit specification myDtbSpf
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  1. Audit can be used in departments with high security requirements and can be flexibly turned on or off.
  2. Auditing takes time and space.

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