Error: PyBrain is used to construct a neural network.

means = [(-1.0), (2.4), (3.1)]
cov = [diag([1.1]), diag([]), diag([])]
alldata = ClassificationDataSet(2.1, nb_classes=3)
for n in xrange(400) :for klass in range(3) :input = multivariate_normal(means[klass],cov[klass])
        alldata.addSample(input, [klass])

tstdata, trndata = alldata.splitWithProportion( 0.25 )
trndata._convertToOneOfMany( )
tstdata._convertToOneOfMany( )
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AttributeError: ‘SupervisedDataSet’ object has no attribute ‘_convertToOneOfMany’\

Alldata is defined as a ClassificationDataSet in the code. After checking the official website, we found that this class does have a _convertToOneOfMany() method.

In… The reasons are as follows:

Now splitWithProporion uses numpy array indicies with numpy.random.permutation instead of for loop, before this change on large datasets this method was very slow, now its finish almost instant.
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This commit breaks polymorphism: When called on an ClassificationDataSet (as shown in the tutorials) it no longer returns ClassificationDataSets but SupervisedDataSets.\


After splitWithProporion alldata returns SupervisedDataSets rather than ClassificationDataSet, but no SupervisedDataSets _convertToOneOfMany method.Copy the code
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Solutions:Copy the code 0869317Copy the code
Change the above code to:Copy the code
Tstdata_temp, trndata_temp = alldata. SplitWithProportion (0.25) tstdata = ClassificationDataSet (2, 1, nb_classes=3) for n in xrange(0, tstdata_temp.getLength()): tstdata.addSample( tstdata_temp.getSample(n)[0], tstdata_temp.getSample(n)[1] ) trndata = ClassificationDataSet(2, 1, nb_classes=3) for n in xrange(0, trndata_temp.getLength()): trndata.addSample( trndata_temp.getSample(n)[0], trndata_temp.getSample(n)[1] )Copy the code
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