On July 8, we will launch TiDB Tech Day 2017 in Shanghai, where we will share the core of TiDB technology from the beginning to the end, including the latest TiSpark technology decryption. We not only share technology, but also share T-shirts, Pizza and beer. Registration is open today

In 1991, a teenager on the campus of the University of Helsinki in Finland created version 0.01 of Linux in order to have an operating system for his PC, and then he uploaded the operating system to FTP and published all the source code.

His name is Linus Torvalds.

In 2017, based on the rapid development of software and the Internet, the world has gradually changed from a 20-year iteration to a 10-year one, a five-year one, and sometimes it even feels like a new iteration every year.

Open source permeates the spirit of freedom into the heart of every hacker, and the seeds of changing the world are also buried in the heart of engineers through cooperation and creation again and again.

In 2015, TiDB became open source. In 2017, the TiDB/TiKV project had 152 contributors, countless followers and even community evangelists.

To thank the community for their attention and concern, we will open TiDB Tech Day to the world. We will tell everyone about the progress of the project, the details of the technology, the vision of the community and the plans that will be promoted together in the future without reservation.

We’ve got t-shirts, Pizza, Talk and Beer. I hope you can feel the inspiration of real technology collision. TiDB has a long way to go as a distributed database system, but we share the community’s belief that the world can only be better when we create it, and that the process of creating it together moves us all.

The first TiDB Tech Day 2017 will be held in Shanghai, the event information is below

  • Time: 10:30am-04:00 PM, July 8, 2017
  • Venue: Activity Center, B2 Youke Workshop, Lane 1188, Fangdian Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai (Zhenda Himalaya Center)
  • Route guidance: Line 7 huamu Road Station, Exit 3, after Bean coffee directly into the mall
  • Activity process and content:
    • 10:30 am-11:00am Sign In
    • 11:00am-11:45am What is TiDB Indeed
    • 12:00am-12:45am TiDB Internal
    • 12:45am-01:30pm Enjoy Pizza & Beer
    • 01:30pm-02:15pm TiSpark Decode
    • 02:30pm-03:15pm TiDB on Kubernates
    • 03:30pm-04:15pm TiDB Community’s Big Plan
    • Ask Me Anything
    • Lightning Talk
  • About 20 Talk

    • A lightning talk is a very short presentation lasting only 3 minutes, given at conference. In this part, the creator of any open source project, sponsor, can apply for and display program, open source is not just limited to the open source software, any projects and ideas make the world a better place is worth to recommend, at the same time, if you have a very good tool can also welcome to share with TiDB perfect.
  • Registration: tidbTechday2017.sxl.cn /

  • Registration notice: please fill in the registration form carefully, and the text message will be sent to the reserved mobile phone number on July 4th. Please sign in to get the community limited T-shirt, you can not get it on behalf of oh 🙂

If you would like to assist the community in hosting TiDB Tech Day in other areas, please email [email protected] and thank you for your contribution. Welcome to share the activity information with your friends, I hope you and your friends come to this interesting technical space, of course, I believe that you will meet more interesting souls here.