Of course, the higher the level, the easier to find a job, the higher the salary

In such a fierce competition in 2020, we need to work harder to enrich ourselves and not be replaced! \

Two ways: self-study or looking for training classes, looking for training classes, I recommend Dan inside and spread wisdom podcast, in the domestic lecturer quality is relatively high. This one we will pass, I mainly talk about how to go to self-study. For self-study the most direct way is to watch video learning, can be online videos, such as MOOCs, Wheat Academy, Geek Academy, Beifeng network have from the beginning to the master of the front course, these videos are similar, just pick a set of, the introductory course is the same, don’t bother to choose which one. Once you’ve found the video, if you don’t want to give up halfway, or, you know, waste too much time and it doesn’t work. Find a guide, guide is of course the stronger the better, find the purpose of guide is to make a study plan for you, control the quality of learning, correct the wrong learning direction in time, teach you the right way of learning. I’m gonna give you counseling. Give you a boost in time and continue to replenish your confidence. I have contacted and tutored many self-taught students before, some of whom succeeded and some of whom gave up. Those who gave up were basically lost in the wrong learning ideas and psychological confusion period. Listen to them complain that: no one to guide them, every day to finish learning, the next day to learn, but things too disorderly all string up, also do not know is why to use, especially JS part, this kind of problem can completely destroy a person! So I always emphasize to my students: there are problems must be asked, to solve, do not pretend to understand, understand and then go down, the human psychology is very fragile, once the fall may never stand up again. A word of warning to all of you who are new to the industry: Unless you have programming experience before, find a guide to guide you.


Take a quick look at the learning roadmap for intermediate front-end engineers

Stage 1: HTML5+ CSS

Stage 2: Mobile Web page development

Stage 3: JavaScript web programming

Phase 4: Node.js and Ajax

The fifth stage: vue. Js project actual combat

The sixth stage: wechat applet

Phase 7: React.js project

The eighth stage: framework stage and principle

Stage 9: Mobile APP development

Stage 10: Node.js advancement

Stage 11: Visual game

Stage 12: Architecture and operations

Focus on the public number: e-commerce programmer, forward this article to the circle of friends and background reply keywords “front-end super God secrets” to obtain supporting learning videos and materials. \