Hello, everyone. I was caught in the rain in the morning and had a stomachache.

Last night when I went to sleep, I saw the group in the discussion of xiaomi’s robot, the original Lei total press conference on the appearance of a robot dog name called iron egg.

Since it is millet, the price must be low, 9999, is still a poor disease fish can not afford to buy the price.

Robots in the world are expensive and hardware heavy (GPU: 384-core NVIDIA Volta™ GPU with 48 Tensor Cores), so Minogue took a look at The Iron Iron software and saw the familiar Ubuntu 18.04+ROS 2.

As you all know, Xiaoyu has been doing tutorials and videos of ROS2 recently (the progress is nearly finished the first four chapters, and then we will start recording teaching videos).

So today, I will talk about some views on xiaomi’s choice of ROS2, and a feeling since I wrote ROS2 tutorial.

Correct posture ROS2

Many students who follow xiaoyu public account are doing development based on ROS, and many of them are stuck on The Kinetic of Ubuntu16.04 (the official maintenance of Kinetic has been stopped), so they may have no idea about ROS2.

ROS2 has written a number of articles about it, including the comparison to ROS1, the difference in ROS middleware and so on. Xiaoyu has put a link at the end of the article, so you can get your own.

Why did Xiaoyu think it was right for Mi to choose ROS2? In addition to the PROBLEMS of ROS itself, there is also a process called ROS removal in the working process of small fish.

What is going to ROS? It is the process of developing on ROS and then removing the ROS component from the code to avoid problems with ROS itself. If you weren’t doing engineering, you wouldn’t be doing research.

Some students may ask, why don’t you directly develop based on ROS in the early stage, then don’t you need to go to ROS in the later stage?

You are such a dodger.

True, but the ROS ecosystem is so good that a wide variety of feature packs can be found, and no one can resist the temptation to implement a prototype validation solution in a short period of time.

Many problems of ROS1 are solved in ROS2, without evidence, here is a picture from the paper Exploring the Performance of ROS2 and put it here.

Background reply ROS2 paper can obtain the original paper, this paper has a detailed ROS2 performance related test analysis.

Two, whether to give up ROS and directly learn ROS2

The answer from The fish is no, at least not until the fish has finished the ROS2 tutorial.

Because whether it is to do scientific research or engineering algorithm, many function packages have not been migrated to ROS2, which is not friendly to novices. In addition, there are few tutorials at home and abroad, and it is difficult to find the answer when you encounter problems.

Even some minor bugs can only be explained in the official issue. When xiaoyu is writing the tutorial, Google is not enough, the official document is far from enough.

If you learn ROS and then learn some upper-level concepts of ROS2, such as topics, services, parameters and services, the learning cost will be reduced.

How long will ROS last

I am happy to say that ROS1 has four more years to live, but melodic has only one and a half more years to live.

Four, write at the end

Xiaomi can choose ROS2 as the development platform and bravely take this step, which deserves praise. At least, more people know ABOUT ROS2, so that the domestic robot technology can change more quickly.

In the end, What Xiaoyu wants to say is that ROS is still a software platform, no matter how it changes. As a technical personnel, with solid programming skills, robotics knowledge, excellent algorithm ability and engineering ability, can be the next king of the robot era.

ROS2 articles

1. ROS2 inherits his father’s position, and THE mayor of ROS enjoys a peaceful old age! Pray for zhengzhou safety!

2. Learn this instruction in ROS to keep feature pack errors hidden!

3. What is the ROS2 compiler Colcon, and is it better than catkin?

4. Dry goods sharing: The biggest difference between ROS2 and ROS: what’s the difference between middleware?

5. How did Wang er see Li Si’s “The Legend of Yan Niang”? Let’s get to know the topic mechanism of ROS2!