Fingers wide, time is thin. The day is always like a fine sand flowing from the fingertips, slipping quietly inadvertently. Those former days of the past, in the wash

The next wave gently passes away, leaving behind the joy and smile always lasting in the depths of memory.

Looking back on the past half year, I would like to summarize it with a few simple keywords:

  • life
  • work
  • learning



  • About the family — time to fulfill the story, but also the people grow old.

For half a year, I did not see my parents and other family members. Although distance is no longer a problem in the Internet era, we met across the screen

After all, it’s temporary and virtual, because we can’t touch each other’s faces, plus the powerful beauty function, and we can’t recognize our parents’ faces

The appearance of wrinkles.

When I got home, I found that time was cruel, and they took away some of the vitality of their parents. My mother was sick “secretly” once, just me

I don’t know. But how could I have missed that? In the blink of an eye, I figured out mom and Dad’s secret. But I also

Without asking, I learned that they reported good news and not bad news, just as I did outside to them at home. But I did learn something when I got home

The story. Good thing it’s okay.

No delicious spare ribs to grandpa’s house, no light but delicious stir-fry to grandma’s house, yes, they are old. But to see grandma and grandpa

I am healthy, good, they are my “temptation to go home”.


  • About friendship — meet you, is my most beautiful accident.

It’s been ten years since I started school with a couple of my classmates. Really want to sigh: a bosom friend, tianya zorpia.

Epicurus said: Of all the efforts to ensure a lifetime of happiness, the most important is to make friends. I’m lucky and blessed to have a few of them

Friends, although far apart from each other, but our hearts always seem to be together, this feeling is really only can not be explained in words.


  • About love – Linglong dice an red beans, acacia know I do not know.

Be sure to admit: your so-called habits, in fact, hidden secrets.

Now we, although not magnificent, but must endure.

  • About health – the body is the capital of revolution.

We live in a world of food. We eat a lot of good food every day. If we don’t exercise, it’s ruined. So I insisted on keeping for a while and prepared to do it.

You probably know a lot of good habits that you find difficult to develop because you don’t use them right. Here are a few tips to share with you. Develop good habits

It’s hard, but there’s a way



  • Change the position

You think more when you’re a leader, and you feel more corporate ritual when you treat your partners like colleagues. but

Having worked as a Leader for so long, I still seem unable to put aside my identity as a student to do something. This is where I need to grow next.

  • How to report work?

Recently, under the guidance of Bill, energy English Club started a new thing: monthly report. This is supposed to be taken after work

But he has the foresight to train us to do so now. Very grateful. The beginning is hard. We’re all making progress

In the.

Note: Good book recommended “Can not report work, but also dare to fight the workplace”

  • Executive force

Now that 2017 is over, have you accomplished your personal goals for the year?

Two months into 2018, have you set new goals for the year?

Are you confident that you can achieve your annual goals for this year?

If any of your answers aren’t yes, it’s worth reading this article: Just Do it: Management by Goals that Will Get You added Value quickly



  • project

Still remember the first hundred cases, as well as the student information management system in the past, a small program successfully run I am very excited, now I

I am ready to accept projects for my friends. Of course, I also continued to study and completed some large projects. In the process of completion, many times encountered a

Some difficulties, but often find friends to exchange their feelings, will suddenly be enlightened, so communication is really important, this is a collision of thinking

Process is also the process of exercising expression ability, we should seize every opportunity to communicate, resolutely can not let go.

  • Read more books. Read good books

I had a big goal once — to read 10 books a month. I did it for the first month, but I couldn’t stick to it because I reviewed the whole thing

Months of reading. It seems that sometimes reading is for the sake of reading, which is not very good and does not have very good results. So I did it the other way

Law, no longer deliberately require so much quantity, more attention to quality.


We need to learn how to make great reading lists for ourselves. How do you build it?

Here are four ways to quickly build your reading list, whether you’re a regular reader or not: \

  • From questions to books
  • Information gap
  • associated
  • follow

[From Questions to Books]

If you have one or more problems on your mind, take the initiative to find books that can solve them.


[Information Gap]

You know a little, but not much, and when you see something you think you know but can’t articulate, curiosity and exploration are apt to arise. this

It’s the idea of the information gap. Make good use of it to quickly find many books related to the information we already have.



Corresponding to the four roles of readers, authors, book selling channels and publishing institutions, there are four ways of association: \

  1. With the theme
  2. reference
  3. Platform to recommend
  4. Recommendations introduced during book design



You believe in a person, a brand, a channel, and are willing to follow it to choose a book. This is follow the book. \


【 Here and now 】

Learning to learn is more important than learning concrete things, and we have to enjoy the process.