
To a problem

Start with a question, then all rely on the compilation, first look at today’s question

Let’s do a couple more problems

Feature information

Just a couple of examples

Like where the stock is going, or where the value of the company is going, or the news

The sender of a spam message, containing special text

Image recognition cat/dog sample picture of cat/dog position color matrix

These are the features that we’re trying to collect in machine learning

Data categories

When we identify the features, we classify them according to the features

The stock goes up and down

Whether it is spam

There’s a cat in the picture, a dog in the picture, nothing in the picture

That is, we want results based on features

Looking for relationship

The function relationship

What kind of trend, what kind of news decides the stock trend

What kind of sender and what kind of content determines whether it is spam

The color matrix of the picture, how many of them match the cat or dog, determine whether there is a cat or a dog

Basic method

To do classification, we will basically use the following methods. The following methods will be introduced first, and the specific ones will be described later

Think about it

Knowledge to consolidate

Do the problem. Think about what you’ve learned