The further development of science and technology has brought us to the era of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence, which used to only stay in movies and TV works, has been everywhere, and it is slowly infiltrating into every corner of life. How should we ordinary people cope with the onslaught of artificial intelligence? Let’s listen to Professor Zheng Haitao from Tsinghua University.

Zheng Haitao is chief scientist and co-founder of Giiso, associate professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University. Schein graduated from Seoul national university professor (Dr), young presided over the national natural science fund “the dynamic ontology model for network public opinion research”, is director of the shenzhen intelligent semantic mining engineering laboratory, has ten years of research, in intelligent semantic is shenzhen leading figures in the field of large data semantic mining.
Professor Zheng Haitao is more familiar with artificial intelligence than us. As the so-called “know yourself and know your enemy, win every battle”, as ordinary people of us, in the face of the arrival of artificial intelligence, or should listen to experts’ opinions.

Weak AI is in charge, not a threat to humanity
During the development of ARTIFICIAL intelligence, many people have told us to be wary of artificial intelligence, such as physicist Stephen Hawking. They argue that the rapid development of artificial intelligence, once equipped with the ability to think for themselves, may pose a threat to the survival of mankind. So when the threat is posed, is it true that humans can no longer live?
Professor Zheng Haitao believes that this theory is too absolute. The development of society needs advanced technology and application. The development of AI will bring some problems, but it does not mean that it will definitely threaten human beings.
At present, artificial intelligence still belongs to weak artificial intelligence. They just imitate human behavior and learn the methods of human work and deal with problems from the rules. They do not have the ability of independent thinking. By that logic, AI is not a threat to us now, or even for a long time. It would be irrational to hold it back just because of the negative effects it might bring.

Welcome the arrival of artificial intelligence with an open mind
Zheng said that although there are still many problems with ARTIFICIAL intelligence, we should welcome this advanced technology with an open mind and actively learn how to control it, rather than resist it and defend it out of fear.
“Artificial intelligence will take half of human jobs” has made many people panic. In the near future, repetitive tasks will be left to robots. It’s easy to say, but many people can’t accept it. If I’m doing repetitive work, does that mean I’m out of work?
Yes, that’s the truth. But in the face of this coming reality, we have to ask ourselves a question – is it acceptable for machines to do our repetitive work?
If so, congratulations on taking the first step to usher in the intelligent age. If we resist the idea that machines will change our lives, we will be forced to accept them when they are applied to every aspect of society. By the time you get to that point, it will be too late. Just as in the age of the Internet, those who were the first to embrace it are reaping the dividends, and so it will be in the age of artificial intelligence.

Repetitive work to the machine, the original people where to go
I believe this is a lot of people are concerned about the problem, after all, the reality of the society to do repetitive work is not a few people. For this point, Professor Zheng Haitao gave us a new career direction – robot trainer.
Robot trainers may sound like an upscale profession, but the truth is we can all be robot trainers. As mentioned earlier, the machine itself can only imitate human behavior, and imitation requires close interaction between us and the machine. For example, to do housework, everyone’s style of doing housework is different, how to put books, how to fold the quilt, how to sweep the floor. We can teach the robot how to do these things by ourselves, and when he learns it, he can do it for you automatically. He will be our closest helper in life, not our enemy.
The premise of being a robot trainer is to learn to think in higher dimensions. As we move from the simple dimension of the information age to the dimension of the intelligence age, our thinking needs to be dimensional.
The ascending dimension here refers to discovering the laws of things. When we engage in a kind of labor, we need to think carefully about the internal laws of the labor. Try to find out why you do things, and you will see things clearly. By learning to think in ascending dimensions, we can become masters of the robot, not its slaves.

Protect your child’s creativity. Don’t let it die
In the age of intelligence, creativity is the most important characteristic that distinguishes human beings from machines. Creativity is a process from scratch. Professor Zheng haitao especially advises parents not to destroy their children’s creativity because of the pressure of entering school and taking exams, which is essential for their survival in the future intelligent era.
Nowadays, most children are busy learning calculation, drawing, chess, English and so on. But have you ever thought that these fixed labor skills will be replaced by machines sooner or later? Take the simultaneous interpreter launched by IFLYTEK, for example. It is hard to say that the simultaneous interpretation industry will not die out. After all, human beings are no better than machines.

In the age of intelligence, creativity is the only thing besides emotion that can’t be replaced, so you must protect your child’s creativity. Creativity is the root of dominating machines. Only with creativity can we have the ability to dominate machines in the age of intelligence.
The arrival of artificial intelligence is inevitable, unacceptable will be thrown away by The Times, even if make every effort, also can not stop the wheel of The Times. Keep an open mind and actively adjust yourself to the arrival of the new era. Let machines do more for us, rather than passively replace us.

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