The Python programming language is favored by many IT practitioners who use the Python programming language because of its “clarity” and “simplicity”. Also, Python is much easier for beginners to get started with than other programming languages. This, coupled with the fact that many businesses are using the Python programming language, has increased the demand for Python programmers.

Is it difficult to change to Python programming? Where do you start? Recently, a lot of friends have asked me whether I can learn Python with zero foundation if I change my profession. How hard is Python? Today, Xiaobian will explain this problem in detail for you.

Beginners have what do not understand can private message me – I just organized a set of 2021 latest 0 basic introductory tutorial, selfless share, access methods: pay attention to the small series CSDN, private message: [learning materials] can get, attached: development tools and installation package, as well as the system learning roadmap.

Is it hard to learn Python?

First, let’s cover the basics of programming languages. In any programming language to develop programs, is to let the computer work, such as downloading an MP3, write a document, etc., and the computer work CPU only understand the machine instructions, so, although different programming languages are very different, finally have to “translate” into the CPU can execute the machine instructions. And different programming languages, do the same work, the amount of code written, the gap is also very large. So if you want to learn Python, it is necessary to listen to the teacher’s class and get Python benefits. If you want to learn Python, you can go to the teacher’s Weixin: the first group is Mengy, the second group is 7762. Put the above two groups of letters together in order, and she will arrange the learning.

For example, it takes 1000 lines of code to complete the same task in C, only 100 lines in Java, and perhaps 20 lines in Python.

So Python is a fairly high-level language.

Is a lower level program harder to learn and a higher level program easier?

On the surface, yes.

However, high-level Python programming is also very difficult to learn at very high levels of abstract computation, so the high-level programming language is not the same as simple.

However, for beginners and common tasks, the Python language is very simple and easy to use.

Is it OK if I learn Python at zero?

I’m in favor of Python as the starting language:

1. Keep the grammar simple and clear. The first language is just syntax +Flow control, while Python has a simple syntax, highly readable code, and easy to get started.

2. The Python philosophy that there should be only one best way to do a thing is a great help for beginners to standardize their learning and to be able to read other people’s code.

3. Develop good habits. Python’s rigor with code, and Indentation in particular, is useful for beginners to develop good coding habits.

4, Python syntax design is very excellent, the idea is relatively modern, you can understand some ideas of modern programming language faster.

5. Python is still the traditional class-based OO, along with Java, C#, and Ruby. It is also appropriate to learn Design Pattern from Python.

6. Python’s built-in data structures are clean and easy to use, and there’s a lot of good code.

There are many free Python books (in English) to find lots of information to chew on. At the same time (abroad) the community is more concentrated, you can ask questions to the master.

8. Python is widely used in other fields, such as scientific computing, and is great for learning a language as a tool.

How to Learn Python?

1. Choose your direction

My goal in learning Python is not to understand the language, but to learn how to use the language to solve problems.

But Python can be used in so many different ways. After you’ve learned the basics of Python, you’ll learn very different things if you’re applying in different directions.

I can’t say I’m going to do web development, learn the basics of Python, and go learn Numpy, Pandas, etc. It’s not like I’m going to do data analysis in Python, learn the basics of Python, and then go learn Django or Flask.

It’s as simple as if we want to travel to Thailand and don’t buy a ticket to Japan. But we have to admit that there are still people who get confused and just do it.

I learned Python because I gradually learned that in data analysis, Python basically covers every link in the process of “data acquisition, data processing, data analysis, and data visualization”. It is a powerful tool for data analysis, and no one can do such a sexy operation anymore.

2. Plan your path

Once I’ve set my direction, the next step is to follow it and build my own learning path map.

This path is a systematic logical main line, which will let me know what the goal of each part needs to be accomplished, what knowledge points need to be learned, and what knowledge is temporarily unnecessary. Then, every time I learn a part, I can get some actual output of the results, and use the output to form positive stimulation and stimulate the subsequent learning.

What’s more, if we are in the workplace, most of the time we do not have a large chunk of time to concentrate on learning. Our learning time is divided into a number of fragmented times. In the fragmented time, the systematic learning of a piece of knowledge requires a systematic logical thread to connect all the relevant fragmented time learning. So if you want to learn Python, it is necessary to listen to the teacher’s class and get Python benefits. If you want to learn Python, you can go to the teacher’s Weixin: the first group is Mengy, the second group is 7762. Put the above two groups of letters together in order, and she will arrange the learning.

When I determined to learn Python data analysis knowledge, I set up a learning map for myself according to the path of data analysis process “data acquisition → data processing → data analysis → data visualization” :

A. Basic knowledge of Python

B. Basic knowledge of crawler + SQL

C. (Choose according to your own needs)

3. Establish awareness of basic concepts

Python was the first programming language I ever learned, and when I started learning Python, I was a kid who didn’t even know what a string was. So for me, the most important thing to start with is to first establish an understanding of the basic concepts of the field!

In fact, for someone who has absolutely no knowledge of a subject before they begin to learn it, the really important work is to first establish an understanding of the basic concepts of the subject.

For example, if I read the tutorial saying “assign a value to a variable,” I should at least know, what is a variable? What does assignment mean?

Do not know why such an important beginning, many people do not care, do not know that we are gifted, feel disdain to mention this basic step, or many people have forgotten the pain and struggle from the white all the way. People will tamper with the memory, will think that what we have now is easy to obtain, but the real experience will always be bumpy and tortuous.

So a typical problem with some online tutorials is that they use one concept we don’t understand to explain another concept we don’t understand, and then we don’t understand it. Because the instructor predetermined our position as a zero-based: we already had other programming language foundations, but had no exposure to Python.

But the truth is, for real zero-based kids like me, Python is the first programming language we learn most of the time. So at this point, for us, learning Python is not just about learning the language itself, it’s also about using the language to build our understanding of some of the basic concepts of the programming world.

When I entered the door, it is down in the second step to establish the learning path, all the way to upgrade the fight strange, after all, my journey is the sea of stars!

4, the final learning needs to pay attention to the problem

(1) Never fall into the entanglement of the underlying principles and details at the beginning

This pit is the deepest pit I have ever dug.

For example, when I learned about functions, I just had to learn the basics of how to define functions, how to call functions at the beginning, and I didn’t have to go into the rules of passing function arguments, whether it was by value or by reference.

This is not to say that the underlying knowledge is not important, at least at the beginning, we don’t have to go into this level at the beginning. Because the learning of knowledge is a linear, from diving into the deep order. If we start by focusing on everything, maybe we’ll soon know what it’s like to go from entry to abandonment.

And we in the subsequent learning process, its itself is in the “use of in-depth understanding, in in-depth understanding of the application of optimization”. Mutual verification and understanding is a natural process of deep learning.

It is better to follow a systematic course or book to learn

Since you are new to this field, taking an existing system and tinkering with it is the most appropriate approach. As a beginner, based on my experience, I think the best teacher is a set of curriculum or books.

Online articles or posts, in fact, is not suitable for us to systematically learn a knowledge of the textbook, because it is very fragmented knowledge, east a hammer west a stick, not a system. Don’t expect yourself to be able to integrate scattered information into the system, that is the master to do. But these things, we can serve as some details of the omission of reference.

(3) Take it as the guiding principle to solve problems

At work, you need more of an engineering mindset to solve a problem, so a lot of times, if you can solve a problem with a replacement, you don’t have to build your own wheels.

For example, if the boss needs to go to the airport, I can drive the car to get him to his destination. I don’t need to study how to make wheels, engines, batteries…

Of course, if we have enough strength to study deeply, we must be not bad. But still that sentence, at the beginning, not eyebrow beard grasp.

(4), there is no cow force thing can be quick, the more bottom, the longer the income cycle of skills.

“The thoroughfare is very plain, and people who follow a good path end up by mistake.” We always step on countless pits, then suddenly realize: the shortest way is often the longest detour. Learning a field of knowledge, for ordinary people in a short period of time from 0 to 1 into a door, it is not difficult, but from 1 to 10, to 100, advanced for the master, without long time of investment and deliberate practice, is tantamount to a fool’s dream.

Python is widely used in the field of machine learning, and most of the current research hotspots are implemented in Python. Secondly, automatic testing, operation and maintenance, on the test, to grasp the characteristics of Script, will be in the planning Script, have a better role. Python is a popular Script right now.

Most importantly, Python’s fast development features allow you to quickly validate your ideas, rather than wasting time on the program itself, and a rich third-party library can also help you save time!

Python jobs include Web development, crawlers, and artificial intelligence. Python is a language that represents the idea of simplicity. Reading a good Python program is like reading English, even though the English requirements are very strict! This pseudocode nature of Python is one of its greatest strengths. It allows you to focus on solving problems rather than figuring out the language itself.