In the summer of 2018, in addition to smoke Handle band “Paper short love long”, Tencent Cloud and wechat also quietly online cloud development.

It went on to become as popular among developers as “Paper Is Short, Love Is Long” on urban mobile phones for men and women.

I don’t know when coding has become synonymous with developers, but things are changing.

There is a revolution happening in the world of developers, and you, me, and the people reading this article are witness to that revolution.

Do not blow not black, the birth of small program, let programmers to small programmers, the birth of cloud development, let everyone do development dream everywhere.

Because of cloud development, from today, everyone is a developer. Today, we are going to talk to you about a developer change in the cloud of the past.

  • The birth of

July 2018, the hottest season of the year in Shenzhen. Tencent Cloud quietly released the beta version of “small program · cloud development” on its official website. Two months later, this product was officially launched.

As the person in charge of the product, Ning Pengwei probably did not expect that the product would serve more than a million developers two years later.

At that time, many people asked, what is “applets · cloud development” and what problems can it solve? Is anyone using it?

In the media facing a little shy Ning Pengwei, tried all his best to explain half an hour, we are still a face meng force.

Finally, he said, “To develop small programs, use our cloud development on it. It used to take a month, but now it only takes 1 or 2 days. “

You get it!

“The original is through technical means, constantly reduce the threshold of small program development, and can reduce operating costs ah.” “Exclaimed the media.

“The hardest part for developers isn’t how to get things done, it’s all the repetitive work you have to do up front. The introduction of small program · cloud development solution is to help solve these repetitive tasks. “Ning Pengwei said.

Developers only need to use the service interface provided by Tencent cloud to make a small program easily.

At that time, there are not many users, but the ability of cloud development has been verified by Tencent internal business.

For example, with the increasing number of cities supported by Tencent Ride code, the Tencent cloud development team migrates the urban configuration data to the cloud through the solution of “small program · cloud development” in order to avoid the bloated program caused by local data storage.

As a result, “not only the program size is streamlined, but also the management server and operation work is eliminated, optimizing the passenger travel experience,” Ning said.

Ning Pengwei team firmly believes that cloud development this convenient development mode must be the inevitable trend of future development, many cloud manufacturers will do in this direction.

As expected, Tencent, Ali, Baidu are in the small program field layout. Miniprogram was first launched by Tencent’s wechat. In the face of competition, Tencent maintained its edge by supporting developers and providing development standards.

The only thing left is commitment.

On January 9 last year, Tencent Cloud announced the launch of “mini program · cloud development” resource support plan with a total value of more than 1 billion yuan in the 2019 micro program PRO Mini program sub-forum. It provides free cloud development resources support for more than one million small program developers, comprehensively helping developers to create excellent small programs.

To this year, Tencent in cloud development layout speed is accelerating, the path is more clear. The most typical response is that the theme of the annual “Small Program cloud Development” summit has gone from “Faster than Faster” last year to “Redefining development” this year.

In this area of continuous investment and unremitting exploration, finally let the cloud development team harvest beautiful report card.

In 2019, in the first session, On October 19, Tencent cloud and wechat small program jointly held the “small program · cloud development” technology Summit, Tencent announced that “small program · cloud development” has more than 230,000 registered accounts, more than 500,000 developers based on “small program · cloud development” rapid development of small programs.

This year, to be exact, yesterday, Tencent Cloud announced at the second “Small program · Cloud development” technology Summit held in Beijing that the registered users of cloud development reached 560,000, 1.5 times more than the same period last year, with more than 1 million developers serving and more than 700 million daily calls.

Tencent Cloud also announced that cloud development has become the largest Serverless development platform in China.

Two years ago, an unknown product, now has branches scattered leaves, flourishing.

  • evolution

The goal of cloud development is to make everyone a “developer.”

Cloud development capabilities are evolving across the board to achieve this goal. Today cloud development is at the forefront in terms of capabilities, ecology and layout.

First, the developer ecosystem of cloud development is further expanding by enriching its product capabilities and application scenarios:

On the one hand, cloud development simplifies back-end service invocation, adds cloud hosting services, supports multiple languages and frameworks, and enables developers to become “full-stack developers”.

On the other hand, cloud development has launched a new low-code development platform, allowing products and operations to build applications quickly. More and more people become “developers” with the help of cloud development.

Start with low code development platforms.

Low code development is all the rage these days, so what is low code?

It refers to a development platform where users can quickly generate applications without coding or with a small amount of code. Users can create applications by dragging and dropping corresponding functional modules.

To put it simply, people without technical background can also develop an APP, small program or H5 application, which can be done by simply dragging the mouse. Everyone can be a “developer”.

Is the original developer going to lose his job? No.

For engineers, the use of low-code platforms can effectively improve productivity, avoid repetitive work, and focus more on business logic innovation, architecture and algorithm design.

Low code is an important technology trend, with some authorities predicting that by 2024, around 65% of applications worldwide will involve low code development.

When The Times abandon you, will not say goodbye to you.

Low code is becoming somewhat of a trend. If cloud development shields the complexity of the underlying infrastructure, then low code is the foundation of cloud development, further lowering the barrier to development, even without the need to learn and understand the concept of cloud function cloud hosting.

Through the upper layer to provide rich toolbox, such as payment, shopping cart and other basic components, general data operation analysis, visual multi-terminal construction and other capabilities, further reduce business complexity, provide technical support work, all of these are completed by the low-code platform.

Tencent cloud is leading the way again. Because this time not only launched the platform, but also gave a benchmark case.

Take The small program of Guangdong province for example, the business personnel need to develop a new “poverty certification” function in the small program. Using low code platform development, the government affairs basic components and existing business logic abstractions were directly reused, the number of lines of code was reduced from more than 2000 lines to 61 lines, the number of files was reduced from 42 to 1, and the overall delivery efficiency was improved by at least 5 times.

Except for government, it is still applicable in industrial scenarios.

Tencent clouds and jointly launched by the government, for example, industrial cities cloud, as business users, through the industrial cloud platform provides the solution of collaborative manufacturing release product requirements (small programs, WEB application or website portal), industrial cloud platform operators accept after demand, using low code platform for enterprise development and through the service mode of delivery.

Over the past year, cloud development continued to integrate wechat development ecological interface, and product capabilities continued to enrich.

The wechat ecosystem is moving from single point cloud development to full cloud development. Micro channel small program and cloud development team core leader Lin Chao said today.

In terms of the scene, through environment sharing, static hosting, etc., the development of the scene from the small program to the public account webpage, that is, the Web development, to further meet the multi-terminal business demands of developers.

In order to make it easier and more convenient for developers to call the whole wechat ecosystem open capabilities, cloud development capabilities are spreading.

Cloud invocation not only supports apI-exempted invocation, but also supports authentication-free invocation of public account server, wechat payment ability and wechat advertising ability.

In terms of service user mode, in addition to providing function-level Serverless deployment mode, cloud development also provides Serverless container service mode compatible with Knative ecological standard, namely cloud hosting.

In cloud hosting mode, whether you are a front-end developer or a backend developer, you can use cloud development to deploy applets and web pages, regardless of language and framework constraints.

At the same time, cloud development has fully supported the small program SaaS deployment mode of service providers, providing batch operation interfaces, realizing unified management and financial settlement of cloud resources, thus improving the small program SaaS delivery efficiency of service providers and reducing the later operation and maintenance costs.

Doesn’t it feel like the changes cloud development is bringing are unprecedented?

If you’re still taking things for granted, chances are you’re really out.

  • The outbreak of

Everyone who accurately grasps the technological tide is the lucky one of The Times.

From Tencent cloud album, Tencent ride code to wechat reading, wechat pay, Baigu engine, Qianmo Technology, Tencent news, namely quick application, weimeng, Vipshop, Cat’s eye, Shangri-La, from inside to outside, cloud development is becoming the fragrant bun in the hands of developers.

And that’s a lot more valuable to a startup.

Because of the adoption of cloud development, Shen Zeming, the INFORMATION technology CTO of Shanghai Chaoban, talks about his entrepreneurial journey with excitement and gratitude.

He said at the scene of the summit that Chaoban technology company is a start-up team of less than 10 people, and has two small program product lines of “One Appreciation ONLINE” and “Youchewu”, both of which are based on cloud development from 0 to 1.

Due to the use of cloud development, his start-up cost has been reduced to incredible. This year, the sales volume of his company’s small program from January to October has reached 24 million yuan, while the cost of the server has not exceeded 1,000 yuan a month. Among them, the four months of March, April, May and June bear nearly 3 million sales, but the server cost is less than 70 yuan.

According to my previous work experience, if the same amount of service is used in the traditional cloud server, the server cost will be at least 2W-3W in one month.

So why is the server cost of cloud development so low?

He attributes this to the automatic scaling of cloud development. In the past, server costs have always been a big expense for a startup, but the bottom line is that it’s mostly a waste of resources.

In order to ensure stable operation during peak hours, the traditional operation is to buy high-performance and expensive servers or even cluster load balancing, which will lead to a large number of server resource waste during peak hours. The pay-as-you-go and automatic scaling mechanisms of cloud development perfectly solve the server cost problem of start-ups.

He cites his own experience as an example. On September 19 this year, their company did the first promotion activity, traffic instantly entered, two small programs all of a sudden bearing more than 100,000 visits, at this time the automatic expansion mechanism of cloud function came into play.

Rapid response and expansion to cope with large traffic, so that the promotion activity successfully completed. After the activity, the page view gradually recovered to the normal level, at this time the automatic capacity reduction mechanism started again, shut down idle cloud function resources, reduce server costs.

Because of cloud development, there are many changes to bring to their own enterprises, information accessibility is a typical example.

Zhou Jiangnan, author of small program Qiming Circle, said that in the process of developing small programs, cloud development has helped a lot. Various AI recognition cloud functions can be directly called. In addition, with the help of template messages, volunteers can help blind people to identify pictures remotely, which reduces the research and development cost and improves efficiency.

First-class enterprises began to make standards.

After taking the lead in the field of cloud development, Tencent Cloud in order to promote cloud development in more scenes, more industries landing, to provide users with standardized cloud native integrated development environment and tools, Tencent cloud joint China Electronic Technology Standardization Institute and many leading enterprises in the industry, Announced the joint launch of the standard compilation of General Technical Requirements for Information Technology Cloud Computing Cloud Development.

This is the first cloud development standardization standard in cloud computing, led by Tencent Cloud.

The compilation of cloud development standards also convened many developers, service providers, cloud manufacturers, etc., to promote the industry to reach consensus on product specifications, connectivity and other levels. From 0 to 1 million, from the initial unknown to today’s blockbuster, from doubt to believe, and then to harvest praise, cloud development is more and more firm on the road to dream.

Did you cloud develop today?