There is no doubt that user experience survey is an effective method to collect user feedback information on a large scale. User experience surveys can be useful in any organization, especially when launching a new product or doing an iteration. There are various kinds of user survey, and the question-based user survey is often an important way to conduct user survey because of its low cost and simple operation.

So how do you do a user experience survey? The key is the setup of the question. In this article, I’ve summarized more than 20 of the most commonly used user experience survey questions in an effort to get effective user feedback.

Related issues of user experience survey will also be briefly elaborated in this paper. To facilitate reading, the whole article is divided into four main parts:

Part 1: What should I pay attention to when doing a user experience questionnaire?

Part 2: A collection of more than 20 of the most useful user experience survey questions.

Part 3:13 good User Experience questionnaire templates.

Part 4: User experience related tools and site recommendations.

Part 1: What should I pay attention to when doing a user experience questionnaire?

Asking questions is not easy, and asking the right questions to get useful feedback is even harder. Here are some suggestions for user survey questions:

1) All questions should focus on user experience topics.

2) When collecting useful feedback, try to shorten the online survey time so that users don’t get tired.

3) Don’t ask them all at once. The setting of the question depends on the purpose of your survey. Some questions apply to the product, some to the site, some to existing users, and some to potential users.

4) Don’t forget to ask open-ended questions. Selection questions may increase participation in user surveys, but they also have limitations. Try asking open-ended questions like “why” or “why not” to dig deeper. This is a great way to get more information about your users and provide you with valuable thoughts and ideas.

5) Try to change “visitor” to “registered user”. If you’ve managed to get visitors to answer your survey questions, that’s a pretty good start. You should pay attention to, they are also your potential customers, to seize the opportunity to win. For example, you can direct visitors to a landing page on your site, or provide a form or CTA so they can sign up or subscribe to mail directly from your survey.

Part 2: More than 20 most useful user feedback survey questions

1. How do you know about our products/website?

This question can evaluate your marketing channel and figure out how users find you. Then help you to further clarify some of the direction of marketing. Sure, Google Analytics can show visitors coming to your site through certain channels (such as AdWords or Facebook AD series), but it can’t distinguish direct traffic. This problem can be a good solution to this problem. This question is especially aimed at new visitors, who are more likely to remember how they found you.

2. Would you recommend our products/website to your friends or colleagues?

This question is an almost direct reflection of user experience and is a common way to measure customer satisfaction. If users do not recommend you, it can be imagined that there is dissatisfaction with your product or website. The target audience for this question should preferably be users of your products or visitors who have visited your site multiple times (multiple visits can be found based on cookies or the history of pages visited).

3. What do you think of our product/website?

This is a great way to capture a user’s impression of a website or product. The key is to allow users to express their opinions clearly.

For example, users can freely enter text to express their opinions (whatever the text is), or they can choose one or more words from a list, such as Microsoft Word, which uses 118 words. Such random data analysis is difficult, and you can create a word cloud to solve it.

4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate our product/website?

This is similar to how online shoppers rate customers. Participants were asked in two directions to rate overall or to rate specific areas. A 10-point scale rather than a 5-point scale is recommended because the 10-point scale gives participants more flexibility and more choice. In addition, in conjunction with a follow-up question, you can further ask “Why did you give this grade?” To dig for more information.

5. What other competitors did you contact before choosing us?

Knowing your competitors is an essential requirement for success. You can often learn more from your competitors than you think. When you do this research, you may even find that some brands that you don’t think are directly related are your competitors. It’s best to ask this question in a post-purchase survey. As a further prerequisite to this question, you need to know who your competitors are.

6. Why choose us over our competitors? What sets us apart from the competition?

This allows you to understand the strengths of your product and exploit them later. Users choose you among many brands for a variety of reasons, perhaps because of the lowest price on the market, or a strong and attractive brand. Identifying these reasons will help you excel, help you highlight these features and get more customers. You can use this question in a post-purchase survey or to ask existing customers.

7. How does our product/website compare to our competitor’s X product?

This is one way to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of a website or product. It’s valuable to know how your product differs from your competitors. But choose your competitors carefully. In addition to asking for a comparison, you can go further by asking “Which one do you prefer?” This answer can help you more specifically with how to deal with the competition.

8. What do you dislike/like most about our product/website?

This is one of the ways to directly collect users’ pain points/excitement points. Many websites and products focus on building more and more features, but ignore the operation of existing features. Asking this question can be extremely valuable for improving existing features and reevaluating unnecessary features. When doing this research, it is best to provide more than just a list of features, because users may think differently. If you happen to be facing a revision or adjustment of your website or product, it’s worth considering this issue.

9. Is our product/website easy to use?

This is a good question to ask to investigate the usability and ease of use of a product or service. It is recommended to provide a gradient of options from very easy to not available, for example, “very easy to use,” “easy to use,” “neither easy nor difficult to use,” “difficult to use,” and so on. Remember not to use 4 positive choices and 1 negative choice, that will not get the truth. If the user selects “hard to use” or “very hard to use,” consider asking “Why?” To investigate the cause.

10. What features of our product/website are most important to you?

This helps you focus on improving and enhancing the features that are most important to your users, which in turn reflects how they see your product. You might be surprised to learn that a surprising number of users chose you for a small feature that you didn’t even think of yourself. Don’t be too surprised, because it’s these tiny features that make you stand out from the competition. You just haven’t seen it yet. If these features are subtle and hard to spot, why not show them in product features? This could attract a large audience.

11. What features (or features) of our product/website are least important to you?

This is the existence of chicken ribs, will not attract users, or even cause user loss. This feedback will provide you with some of the product’s flaws and feature points that users find useless. This will help you cut out features that users don’t want and focus on improving those features that users desperately need but aren’t performing well.

12. What is the one feature you would like us to add most?

Have you ever heard a customer suggest that you should add a feature? A lot, I guess. Users in the use of the process is bound to put forward countless suggestions, some important, some not important, often let you feel at a loss, and even the heart is willing and insufficient, finally nothing. Yes, it’s easy to get lost in too many suggestions, so you should build a platform or process that focuses on gathering feedback about new features. Asking your users what they want to add to it will help you develop a better product roadmap.

13. What were your goals or expectations when you first started using our products/website?

People come to your site for different reasons, maybe a competitor is watching, maybe they want to buy your product, maybe they want to read your blog. Even if you use analytics tools, it can be difficult to determine exactly what users are visiting on your site and whether they are meeting their expectations. It is recommended that you target all visitors and ask this question as they leave your site, and further ask “Did you achieve your visit goal?”

14. What made you give up buying our products?

This is a purchase survey question that can help you optimize your purchase path and increase sales. This is a great way to get direct feedback from your existing users. It is recommended to ask this question on your page after the user has registered.

15. What is your preferred method of payment?

For some users, you might actually stop buying because you don’t offer their preferred payment method. This problem is best targeted at visitors who have visited your site for more than 5 pages, as they are more likely to come to your site for purchase purposes. Sampling analysis is recommended.

16. Are our prices clear?

Providing a clear pricing schedule is helpful, but difficult. Because you might offer different subscriptions with different work. For you, the difference between the different prices is clear. But is it really clear to their users? It is highly doubtful. When a user answers “no”, you can further ask, “How do you suggest we improve?”

17. What is your first impression when you enter our website?

First impressions count. Different industry websites should have different focus. For example, a bank’s website should feel trustworthy and a fashion e-commerce website should look attractive. Visitors should know if they’re coming to the right place the first time they see your site. It is recommended to ask this question on the main page, only for new visitors.

Is there anything missing from our website page?

Your web pages should give visitors all the information they need. This is true for any industry. News sites should provide readers with all the information about an event they care about, while product pages on e-commerce sites should show all the information about a product, including performance and price. It is recommended that this problem occur 75% or more after the user scrolls the page, because at this point the user has seen all the information on your page.

19. What are your three favorite blogs?

Blog visits are an effective and popular way to expand your reach and attract new users. How to select and provide good blog posts? Ask your users what they like. It is recommended for your blog subscribers and highly active users.

20. If you are not satisfied with us, what can we do to win you back?

This issue may give you the opportunity to discover unexpected user experience problems and fix them before they get worse.

Other questions:

1. When or in what scenario do you find that our products meet your expectations?

2. Have you purchased similar products or tools?

3. If our products were discontinued, what would you use as an alternative?

4. If you could make changes to our products and website, what would you change?

5. How often do you use our products/website?

6. Are there any features of our products that surprise or surprise you?

7. What are the most common tasks you solve when using our products?

Part 3:13 online templates for quality User experience surveys

1.Customer Satisfaction Survey Template

Customer satisfaction surveys can help you find out what customers think of your company, get feedback on customer service, and more. This template can be used to customize templates or add new problems.

2. Customer Feedback with NPS®

The template is established after testing and certification by research experts. All issues are set up around NPS for upgrade software companies and their products. The feedback you get from using this template is important for improving your product or business.

3.The Net Promoter® Score Survey Template

Net Promoter Score sample survey template is designed to make it easy for you to understand your customer satisfaction. The module can be customized.

4.Customer Service Survey Template

The enlightening results of this survey template can provide effective support to your customer service team. These questions can help you measure customer satisfaction and improve the way your team works with customers. Supports customization.

5.Customer Comments Survey Template

This is a quick survey template designed to quickly understand how customers view your company. Supports customization.

6.Product Feedback Survey Template

This template can be customized for product feedback and satisfaction surveys.

7.Product Survey Form

This template is a quick user usage questionnaire to get customer feedback on your product usage.

8.Patient Satisfaction Survey

This template is especially aimed at the investigation of medical feedback, obtaining user feedback through online patient satisfaction survey to improve the service of grade I medical institutions.

9.Customer Satisfaction Survey

This template is mainly aimed at the late service problems and security problems of the products and services used by customers.

10.Feedback Form

Using this template helps you stay ahead of the curve by collecting customer suggestions and feedback.

11.Client Satisfaction Form

Questionnaire for freelance clients.

12.Buyers Questionnaire Crg

This template is used to establish contact with buyers. Especially for real estate management and other industries survey.

13.User Experience Survey

This template allows you to get direct feedback from your users, giving you insight into their experience on your site.

Part 4: User experience related tools and site recommendations

1.Mockplus – Prototyping and Wireframing tool

A great website or APP is usually the result of a great idea, something that happens long before the product is even built. How do you ensure that your product or website gets the best user experience before it goes live? Start with product/website prototyping.

On the other hand, from the perspective of user survey, it is also possible to design a questionnaire for internal survey with Mockplus before sending the survey to users. I believe it will get twice the result with half the effort.

Mockplus has more than 200 highly packaged components and more than 3,000 vector ICONS available for direct use, with simple and quick drag-and-drop to add interaction Settings, generating clickable, dynamic product prototypes in just a few minutes. All operations are visualized in one step. Support 8 kinds of demonstration, the user can experience in the mobile terminal and the web terminal almost real experience. Support review comments, after the release of the project, one key email group notification review. Reviewers can comment and comment on the project. There are seven annotation methods supported. Clear, convenient and quick. Mockplus will certainly improve the user experience in the early stages of the product.

2.UserTesting – user survey and UserTesting tools

Do you want to know what it is like when someone visits your site? Where did the visitor click? Did they find what they needed? These questions can be answered through user surveys and testing tools.

Recommend UserTesting, which provides a variety of ways to test the user experience of your site. You can survey any user of your site, get access to their homepage, and you can even see the testing process in real time.

3.Optimizely – A/B test

Good websites and mobile applications are tested, no matter how big or small the changes. Even the smallest adjustments to A/B split testing can help improve conversion rates and the user experience. The recommended tool here is Optimizely.

Optimizely is a professional landing page and website testing software. With Optimizely, you can freely edit colors, images, and text, schedule tests and deploy better solutions immediately. To meet the needs of more advanced marketers, Optimizely can also use multivariable testing.