System performance includes hardware performance and software performance.

Performance Specifications (1) Computer 1 clock frequency (main frequency) CPU working beat 2 Cache 3 Computing speed 4 Computing precision 5 Memory capacity 6 Memory storage cycle The time required to complete a read or write is called the memory access time or access time. The minimum time for two consecutive reads or writes is called the storage cycle. 7. Data processing rate is mainly used to measure the speed of CPU and main memory. RASIS features Reliability availability maintainability: the ability to recover as quickly as possible after a failure of the system Integrity security 10 average failure response time 11 Compatibility

(2) the network level 1, equipment performance indicators throughput (in the absence of frame loss, equipment to accept one of the biggest rate), delay, packet loss rate and the forward 2, accessibility of network level performance, throughput, transmission rate, channel utilization, channel capacity, and so on three levels, application performance indicators 4, users performance metrics

(3) Operating system 1. System reliability 2. System throughput The amount of information processed by the system per unit time is measured by the number of jobs processed per hour or per day. 3. System response time 4. System resource utilization 5

(4) database database size, single database file size, the number of tables, single table size, the number of records allowed in the table, the size of a single record, the number of indexes allowed by the table, the number of indexes allowed by the database, the maximum concurrent transaction processing ability, load balancing ability, the maximum number of connections.

(v) WEB server maximum number of concurrent connections, response delay, throughput (number of requests processed per second), number of successful requests, number of failed requests, user connections, etc.

1, definition method, according to the definition of direct access to its ideal data. 2. The formula method calculates the compound performance index derived from the basic definition. 3, program detection method, 4, instrument detection method.

Performance Design (I) The degree to which the Amdar solution changes the performance of a system by implementing a faster execution method for certain parts of the system depends on how often this method is used, or as a percentage of the total execution time.

Acceleration ratio = time to complete the entire mission without enhancements/time to complete the entire mission with enhancementsCopy the code

(2) Load balancing 1, load balancing type 1) Based on specific server software 2) based on DNS 3) Based on reverse proxy 4) based on NAT Network Address Translation: Multiple machines on the Intranet connect to the Internet through an Address Translation gateway and share one or several IP addresses. In addition to hiding internal information and solving the problem of insufficient Internet IP addresses, it also acts as a load balancer because external requests, after being converted through the gateway, can be distributed to different internal machines. 5) Expansion is to combine the above load balancing technologies, or use semi-centered load balancing. That is, the load balancing center is only responsible for forwarding requests to each server, and the response of the server is directly returned to the source of the request, without going through the load balancing center.

2. The load balancing structure of the server is divided into local load balancing and global load balancing. Global means that servers are distributed in different physical locations. Global load balancing can solve problems such as network congestion, nearby services, and single point of failure of data centers.

Four, performance evaluation to carry out various tests on the system, and form an intuitive document. (1) Benchmark Test The core program that is used the most and most frequently in the application program as a standard program to evaluate computer performance, known as the benchmark program. Such as integer tests, floating point tests, and so on

(2) Performance evaluation indicators of Web server: 1. Maximum number of concurrent connections 2. Response delay 3.

Test method: 1, benchmark performance test 2, pressure test 3, reliability test

(three) system surveillance surveillance what? 1. Routine performance data 2. Performance data for comparison benchmarks 3