1. Original data: no coordinate system

2. An error occurred after the projection was redefined

After the database is imported, the data is empty and no response is generated

3. Reason: The geographic coordinate system and projection coordinate system of the data are incorrect. It is necessary to confirm the geographic coordinate system and projection coordinate system of the original data, then project it into the corresponding format, and finally convert it into the required coordinate system

For example, my data did not show the coordinate system at the beginning. According to the relevant data inquiry, the personnel learned that the data was Xi ‘an 80 coordinate system, but they did not know what the projection coordinate system was. I preliminarily determined three kinds of projection coordinate system, and tested it to see if it was correct after conversion one by one

Namely, the three coordinate systems with wkid 2381,2382 and 2360 in the figure above

4. Solutions:

Use ArcToolBox “Data Management Tools -> Projection and Transformation -> Define Projection” to correct the coordinate system.

4.1 copy three copies of data and project their coordinate systems as 2381,2382,2360 respectively

To do this, use projections and Transformations in the toolbox — Define projections

4.2 Transform the three copies of data from Xi ‘an 80 to WGS84 coordinate system as follows

The conversion method is also described in the article “Arcgis Operation Series 4 – Image Correction and Registration and Coordinate system transformation”

Step 1: Create a custom geographic coordinate transformation

Here, the specific conversion parameters are written randomly, and the error is certain to exist. The main function is not described here, but the process of xi ‘an 80 converting to WGS84 coordinate system is mainly described, and the steps are shown as follows

Step 2: Projection

As shown below, after selecting the input and output data and their coordinate systems, select the geographic coordinate transformation method. The drop-down box selects the custom geographic coordinate transformation method xian80to84 that has just been done, and click OK

Step 3: Compare results

After converting all three coordinate systems into WGS84, only coordinate system 2360 can be displayed normally, while others cannot be displayed, as shown in the figure

Other data cannot display geographical data

4.3 After Data is imported into the PostgresQL database, the data can be displayed normally

5. To summarize

The problem of inconsistent data range is mainly related to the coordinate system of data, need to find the correct coordinate system of corresponding data, after transformation, can get the data you want, the problem of torturing for two days was finally solved, here is a record, if you have a better way to share messages, share communication oh

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