Problem Description:

The code just pulled on Github was imported into wechat developer tool and opened with the following problem:


1. My own reason is that the project directory is not properly opened

. The secondary directory of this folder must contain the pages, styles, Example, and other primary directories. I created a new folder and put the cloned folder in it, but opened the folder I built myself, so there was an error.

As shown in the figure above, you should open the VIP folder instead of the applet 1 folder


1. The project directory is incorrect. The secondary directory of the project must have pages, styles, Example and other main directories. I just unzip someone else’s project and use it, 2. When creating a project and adding a project, the selected project directory folder should not have a secondary folder. If there is a secondary folder, even if the file is empty, it will report “app.json not found entry app.json file, or the file fails to read. Please check and recompile.” 3. No other files irrelevant to the project can be found under the project

Wechat applets document