0 background

Recently in some app cracking and plug-in programming, so need to use some decompilation tools, but most of the decompilation tools are Windows version, personal use is MAC, so collated a decompilation tool collection on the MAC on the web disk, there is a need to download

1 Tool List

Apktool: apK packaging and unpacking tool

Jd-gui: decompiles JAR packages

ILSpy: DLL library decompile tool

Il2CppDumper- Master: When Unity3d is packaged in ilcpp2 format, it does not generate DLLS but an ilcpp2.so file. This tool is used to decompress ilcpp2 files. There is no MAC version of this tool, so you need to install Wine to run it.

Hopper Dissassembler: IDA – like tool for static decompilation of software.

2 Obtaining Methods

Baidu cloud

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