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  5. We are planning to make Kaggle teaching video in the near future. If you are interested in participating, please contact us for a moment (QQ 529815144). CS224n 2019 notes will be sorted out after the Chinese subtitles are translated.
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Short set

How to participate: github.com/apachecn/mi…

Overall progress: github.com/apachecn/mi…

Project warehouse: github.com/apachecn/mi…

Claim: 0/12, translation: 0/12

chapter contributors The progress of
About convolutional neural networks
2.2.2, 2.2.3

JavaScript for impatient Programmers (proofread)

How to participate: github.com/apachecn/im…

Overall progress: github.com/apachecn/im…

Project warehouse: github.com/apachecn/im…

Claim: 6/42, translation: 5/42

chapter contributors The progress of
1. About this Book (ES2019 Edition) @YouWillBe 100%
2. FAQ: This book @huangzijian888 100%
3. History and evolution of JavaScript
4. Common problems: JavaScript
An overview of the 5.
6. Grammar @lq920320 100%
7. Print messages on the console (console.*)
8. Assertions API
9. Getting started with quizzes and exercises
Variables and assignments
Values of 11.
12. The operator
13. The valueundefinedandnull
14. Boolean value
15. Digital
16. Math
17. Unicode – Brief Introduction (Advanced)
18. The string
19. Use template literals and tag templates
Symbols 20.
Control flow statement
22. Exception handling
23. Callable values
24. The module
25. Single object
26. Prototype chains and classes
27. Iterate synchronously
28. Array (Array)
29. Typed Arrays: Handling binary data (advanced)
30. Mapping (Map)
31. WeakMaps (WeakMap)
32. (Set)
33. WeakSets (WeakSet)
34. Deconstruction
35. Synchro Generator (Advanced)
36. Asynchronous programming in JavaScript
37. Promise of asynchronous programming @iChrisJ 100%
38. Asynchronous functions @iChrisJ 100%
39. Regular expressions (RegExp) @iChrisJ
40. Date (Date)
41. Create and parse JSON (JSON)
42. Where are the rest of the chapters?

Seaborn 0.9 Chinese document

How to participate: github.com/apachecn/se…

Overall progress: github.com/apachecn/se…

Project warehouse: github.com/apachecn/se…

Claim: 44/74, translation: 17/74

The serial number chapter The translator The progress of
1 An introduction to seaborn @yiran7324 100%
2 Installing and getting started @neolei 100%
3 Visualizing statistical relationships @JNJYan 100%
4 Plotting with categorical data @hold2010
5 Visualizing the distribution of a dataset @alohahahaha 100%
6 Visualizing linear relationships @friedhelm739
7 Building structured multi-plot grids @keyianpai 100%
8 Controlling figure aesthetics
9 Choosing color palettes @Modrisco 100%
10 seaborn.relplot
11 seaborn.scatterplot @tututwo
12 seaborn.lineplot @tututwo
13 seaborn.catplot @LIJIANcoder97 100%
14 seaborn.stripplot @LIJIANcoder97 100%
15 seaborn.swarmplot @LIJIANcoder97
16 seaborn.boxplot @FindNorthStar 100%
17 seaborn.violinplot @FindNorthStar 100%
18 seaborn.boxenplot @FindNorthStar
19 seaborn.pointplot @FindNorthStar
20 seaborn.barplot @melon-bun
21 seaborn.countplot
22 seaborn.jointplot
23 seaborn.pairplot
24 seaborn.distplot @hyuuo
25 seaborn.kdeplot @hyuuo
26 seaborn.rugplot
27 seaborn.lmplot
28 seaborn.regplot
29 seaborn.residplot
30 seaborn.heatmap @hyuuo
31 seaborn.clustermap
32 seaborn.FacetGrid @hyuuo
33 seaborn.FacetGrid.map
34 seaborn.FacetGrid.map_dataframe
35 seaborn.PairGrid
36 seaborn.PairGrid.map
37 seaborn.PairGrid.map_diag
38 seaborn.PairGrid.map_offdiag
39 seaborn.PairGrid.map_lower
40 seaborn.PairGrid.map_upper
41 seaborn.JointGrid
42 seaborn.JointGrid.plot
43 seaborn.JointGrid.plot_joint
44 seaborn.JointGrid.plot_marginals
45 seaborn.set
46 seaborn.axes_style
47 seaborn.set_style
48 seaborn.plotting_context
49 seaborn.set_context
50 seaborn.set_color_codes
51 seaborn.reset_defaults
52 seaborn.reset_orig
53 seaborn.set_palette @Modrisco 100%
54 seaborn.color_palette @Modrisco 100%
55 seaborn.husl_palette @Modrisco 100%
56 seaborn.hls_palette @Modrisco 100%
57 seaborn.cubehelix_palette @Modrisco 100%
58 seaborn.dark_palette @Modrisco 100%
59 seaborn.light_palette @Modrisco 100%
60 seaborn.diverging_palette @Modrisco
61 seaborn.blend_palette @Modrisco
62 seaborn.xkcd_palette @Modrisco
63 seaborn.crayon_palette @Modrisco
64 seaborn.mpl_palette @Modrisco
65 seaborn.choose_colorbrewer_palette @Modrisco
66 seaborn.choose_cubehelix_palette @Modrisco
67 seaborn.choose_light_palette @Modrisco
68 seaborn.choose_dark_palette @Modrisco
69 seaborn.choose_diverging_palette @Modrisco
70 seaborn.load_dataset @Modrisco
71 seaborn.despine @Modrisco
72 seaborn.desaturate @Modrisco
73 seaborn.saturate @Modrisco
74 seaborn.set_hls_values @Modrisco

UCB CS61b: Data structures in Java

How to participate: github.com/apachecn/cs…

Overall progress: github.com/apachecn/cs…

Project warehouse: github.com/apachecn/cs…

Claim: 10/12, translation: 9/12

The title The translator The progress of
I. Algorithm complexity @leader402 100%
Abstract data types @Allenyep 100%
Three, meet the specification @renyuhuiharrison 100%
Sequences and their implementations @biubiubiuboomboomboom 100%
Five, the tree @biubiubiuboomboomboom 100%
Search tree @yongfengyan 100%
Seven, hash @Abel-Huang 100%
Sorting and selection @Rachel-Hu 100%
9. Balanced search @Abel-Huang
Concurrency and synchronization @Ruffianjiang 100%
Pseudorandom sequence

Git 中文 reference (proofreading)

How to participate: github.com/apachecn/gi…

Overall progress: github.com/apachecn/gi…

Project warehouse: github.com/apachecn/gi…

Claim: 2/83, proofread: 0/83

The serial number chapter contributors The progress of
1 git
2 git-config
3 git-help
4 git-init
5 git-clone
6 git-add @yulezheng
7 git-status
8 git-diff
9 git-commit @yulezheng
10 git-reset
11 git-rm
12 git-mv
13 git-branch
14 git-checkout
15 git-merge
16 git-mergetool
17 git-log
18 git-stash
19 git-tag
20 git-worktree
21 git-fetch
22 git-pull
23 git-push
24 git-remote
25 git-submodule
26 git-show
27 git-log
29 git-shortlog
30 git-describe
31 git-apply
32 git-cherry-pick
34 git-rebase
35 git-revert
36 git-bisect
37 git-blame
38 git-grep
39 gitattributes
40 giteveryday
41 gitglossary
42 githooks
43 gitignore
44 gitmodules
45 gitrevisions
46 gittutorial
47 gitworkflows
48 git-am
50 git-format-patch
51 git-send-email
52 git-request-pull
53 git-svn
54 git-fast-import
55 git-clean
56 git-gc
57 git-fsck
58 git-reflog
59 git-filter-branch
60 git-instaweb
61 git-archive
62 git-bundle
63 git-daemon
64 git-update-server-info
65 git-cat-file
66 git-check-ignore
67 git-checkout-index
68 git-commit-tree
69 git-count-objects
70 git-diff-index
71 git-for-each-ref
72 git-hash-object
73 git-ls-files
74 git-merge-base
75 git-read-tree
76 git-rev-list
77 git-rev-parse
78 git-show-ref
79 git-symbolic-ref
80 git-update-index
81 git-update-ref
82 git-verify-pack
83 git-write-tree

HBase 3.0 Chinese Reference Guide (Proofreading)

How to participate: github.com/apachecn/hb…

Overall progress: github.com/apachecn/hb…

Project warehouse: github.com/apachecn/hb…

Claim: 18/31, proofread: 11/31

chapter contributors The progress of
Preface @xixici 100%
Getting Started @xixici 100%
Apache HBase Configuration @xixici 100%
Upgrading @xixici 100%
The Apache HBase Shell @xixici 100%
Data Model @Winchester-Yi
HBase and Schema Design @RaymondCode 100%
RegionServer Sizing Rules of Thumb
HBase and MapReduce @BridgetLai 100%
Securing Apache HBase
Architecture @RaymondCode
In-memory Compaction @mychaow
Backup and Restore @mychaow
Synchronous Replication @mychaow
Apache HBase APIs @xixici 100%
Apache HBase External APIs @xixici 100%
Thrift API and Filter Language @xixici 100%
HBase and Spark @TsingJyujing 100%
Apache HBase Coprocessors @TsingJyujing
Apache HBase Performance Tuning
Troubleshooting and Debugging Apache HBase
Apache HBase Case Studies
Apache HBase Operational Management
Building and Developing Apache HBase
Unit Testing HBase Applications
Protobuf in HBase @TsingJyujing
Procedure Framework (Pv2): HBASE-12439
AMv2 Description for Devs

UCB Prob140: Probability Theory for Data Science

How to participate: github.com/apachecn/pr…

Overall progress: github.com/apachecn/pr…

Project warehouse: github.com/apachecn/pr…

Claim: 22/25, translation: 19/25

The title The translator Translation progress
A basis, dragon 100%
Second, calculate the odds dragon 100%
Random variables dragon 100%
Four, the relationship between events @biubiubiuboomboomboom 100%
5. Event set > 0%
6. Random counting @viviwong 100%
Poisson chemistry @YAOYI626 100%
Eight, expectations 50%
Ix. Conditions (Continued) @YAOYI626 100%
Markov chain Meow. 100%
11. Markov Chain (Continued) Meow. 100%
Xii. Standard Deviation Missing only samoyed 100%
Variance and covariance Missing only samoyed 100%
Central limit theorem Meow. 100%
15. Continuous distribution @ThunderboltSmile
Xvi. Transformation @hellozhaihy
17. Joint density @Winchester-Yi 100%
The normal and Gamma families @Winchester-Yi 100%
Distribution of and The routine day 100%
20. Estimation method The routine day 100%
Beta and binomial @lvzhetx 100%
22. Forecast 50%
Joint normal random Variables @JUNE951234
Simple linear regression @ThomasCai 100%
Multiple regression @lanhaixuan 100%

Pytorch 1.0 Chinese documentation

How to participate: github.com/apachecn/py…

Overall progress: github.com/apachecn/py…

Project warehouse: github.com/apachecn/py…

Part of the tutorial: Recognition: 35/37, Translation: 34/37; Document part: Claim: 39/39, Translation: 34/39

chapter contributors The progress of
The tutorial section
Deep Learning with PyTorch: A 60 Minute Blitz @bat67 100%
What is PyTorch? @bat67 100%
Autograd: Automatic Differentiation @bat67 100%
Neural Networks @bat67 100%
Training a Classifier @bat67 100%
Optional: Data Parallelism @bat67 100%
Data Loading and Processing Tutorial @yportne13 100%
Learning PyTorch with Examples @bat67 100%
Transfer Learning Tutorial @jiangzhonglian 100%
Deploying a Seq2Seq Model with the Hybrid Frontend @cangyunye 100%
Saving and Loading Models @bruce1408 100%
What is torch.nn really? @lhc741 100%
Finetuning Torchvision Models @ZHHAYO 100%
Spatial Transformer Networks Tutorial @PEGASUS1993 100%
Neural Transfer Using PyTorch @bdqfork 100%
Adversarial Example Generation @cangyunye 100%
Transfering a Model from PyTorch to Caffe2 and Mobile using ONNX @PEGASUS1993 100%
Chatbot Tutorial @a625687551 100%
Generating Names with a Character-Level RNN @hhxx2015 100%
Classifying Names with a Character-Level RNN @hhxx2015 100%
Deep Learning for NLP with Pytorch @bruce1408 100%
Introduction to PyTorch @guobaoyo 100%
Deep Learning with PyTorch @bdqfork 100%
Word Embeddings: Encoding Lexical Semantics @sight007 100%
Sequence Models and Long-Short Term Memory Networks @ETCartman 100%
Advanced: Making Dynamic Decisions and the Bi-LSTM CRF @JohnJiangLA
Translation with a Sequence to Sequence Network and Attention @mengfu188 100%
DCGAN Tutorial @wangshuai9517 100%
Reinforcement Learning (DQN) Tutorial @friedhelm739 100%
Creating Extensions Using numpy and scipy @cangyunye 100%
Custom C++ and CUDA Extensions
Extending TorchScript with Custom C++ Operators
Writing Distributed Applications with PyTorch @firdameng 100%
PyTorch 1.0 Distributed Trainer with Amazon AWS @yportne13 100%
ONNX Live Tutorial @PEGASUS1993 100%
Loading a PyTorch Model in C++ @talengu 100%
Using the PyTorch C++ Frontend @solerji 100%
Document parts
Autograd mechanics @PEGASUS1993 100%
Broadcasting semantics @PEGASUS1993 100%
CUDA semantics @jiangzhonglian 100%
Extending PyTorch @PEGASUS1993 100%
Frequently Asked Questions @PEGASUS1993 100%
Multiprocessing best practices @cvley 100%
Reproducibility @WyattHuang1
Serialization semantics @yuange250 100%
Windows FAQ @PEGASUS1993 100%
torch @yiran7324
torch.Tensor @hijkzzz 100%
Tensor Attributes @yuange250 100%
Type Info @PEGASUS1993 100%
torch.sparse @hijkzzz 100%
torch.cuda @bdqfork 100%
torch.Storage @yuange250 100%
torch.nn @yuange250
torch.nn.functional @hijkzzz 100%
torch.nn.init @GeneZC 100%
torch.optim @qiaokuoyuan
Automatic differentiation package – torch.autograd @gfjiangly 100%
Distributed communication package – torch.distributed @univeryinli 100%
Probability distributions – torch.distributions @hijkzzz 100%
Torch Script @keyianpai 100%
Multiprocessing package – torch.multiprocessing @hijkzzz 100%
torch.utils.bottleneck @belonHan 100%
torch.utils.checkpoint @belonHan 100%
torch.utils.cpp_extension @belonHan 100%
torch.utils.data @BXuan694 100%
torch.utils.dlpack @kunwuz 100%
torch.hub @kunwuz 100%
torch.utils.model_zoo @BXuan694 100%
torch.onnx @guobaoyo 100%
Distributed communication package (deprecated) – torch.distributed.deprecated @luxinfeng
torchvision Reference @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.datasets @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.models @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.transforms @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.utils @BXuan694 100%

Run out

OpenCV 4.0 Chinese tutorial

How to participate: github.com/apachecn/op…

Overall progress: github.com/apachecn/op…

Project warehouse: github.com/apachecn/op…

Claim: 51/51, translation: 26/51.

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