Apache APISIX version 2.10 is now available! 🎉 This is the first LTS release of Apache APISIX and supports 10+ new features and plug-ins. Read quickly to learn about the new features in version 2.10.0!

Milestone: first LTS release

This release is a milestone for Apache APISIX, as Apache APISIX 2.10.0 is our first LTS (Long Time Support) release.

We will release subsequent patch versions based on Apache APISIX 2.10.0, namely 2.10.1, 2.10.2, etc. These versions backport bugfix from the main branch.

We are planning to release the first patch of the first LTS release, Apache APISIX 2.10.1, in October.

We will then release the 2.10.x (e.g. 2.10.2) and 2.2.x (e.g. 2.11.0) version lines alternately, keeping the functionality iterated while ensuring that the LTS version gets the newer Bugfixes.

It is worth mentioning that The Docker image for Apache APISIX 2.10.0 will come with APISIX OpenResty built in and will be able to use the full functionality of Apache APISIX without having to build it yourself.

New feature: service Adds the hosts property

In Apache APISIX version 2.10.0, we added the hosts attribute to the service. Just like any other field in a service, route can inherit the hosts property from the service.

The following configuration:

1 # services / {" hosts ": [" bar.com"]} {# routes / 1 "upstream" : {" nodes ": {"" : 1}, "type" : "roundrobin" }, "service_id": "1", "uri": "/hello" }Copy the code

Is equivalent to:

1 # routes / {" upstream ": {" nodes" : {" ": 1}," type ":" roundrobin} ", "hosts" : [" bar.com "], "uri" : "/hello" }Copy the code

After this change, the relationship between route and service in Apache APISIX is more and more similar to the relationship between location and server in Nginx. This changes the service from a chicken’s rib to a chicken’s leg and brings it back into the Apache APISIX configuration triangle: Route, upstream, service.

New: Support for setting the ratio of mirror requests

The proxy-Mirror plugin allows you to set the ratio of mirror requests, something users have been waiting for, and we’ve supported this feature in Apache APISIX 2.10.0.

By setting sample_ratio, you can control the number of requests that are mirrored to the test service. For example, the following configuration setting sample_ratio to 0.5 mirrors half of the requests to the test service:

{" plugins ": {" proxy - mirror" : {" host ":" ", "sample_ratio" : 0.5}}, "upstream" : {" nodes ": {" ": 1}," type ":" roundrobin "}, "uri" : "/ hello}"Copy the code

A new component

APISIX Python Plugin Runner

After the Java Plugin Runner and the Go Plugin Runner, Apache APISIX has a new Plugin Runner.

The Apache APISIX Python Plugin Runner released version 0.1.0 on September 6.

Python is a programming language with a deep base and has long been known for its ease of use and flexibility. Now you and I can write plug-ins for Apache APISIX in this language.

In addition to Python Plugin Runner, community partners are also developing Plugin Runners for other programming languages, such as JavaScript Plugin Runner. Everyone is welcome to participate in the development.


In addition to these new features and components, Apache APISIX version 2.10.0 also introduces more than a dozen new features and plug-ins, which can be found in the Change log for details.

Download Apache APISIX 2.10.0

  • Source: please visit apisix.apache.org/downloads/

  • Binary package: please visit apisix.apache.org/zh/docs/api…

About the Apache APISIX

Apache APISIX is a dynamic, real-time, high-performance open source API gateway that provides rich traffic management features such as load balancing, dynamic upstream, grayscale publishing, service circuit breaker, authentication, observability, and more. Apache APISIX helps enterprises quickly and securely handle API and microservice traffic, including gateways, Kubernetes Ingress, and service grids.

  • Apache APISIX GitHub: github.com/apache/apis…

  • Apache APISIX website: apisix.apache.org/

  • Apache APISIX document: apisix.apache.org/zh/docs/api…