“This is the second day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. See details of the event: The last Gwen Challenge 2021”.

Different use scenarios in the project, there are different user permissions are not the same. Such as:

  • Different users can see different elements and actions on the page
  • Different users have different access rights to the page

An easy-to-use solution is provided in antdPro. It is implemented by the @umi/plugin-access plugin.

Implementation mode.

Start by creating the SRC /access.js file

export default function access(initialState) {
  const { currentUser,hasRoutes,role} = initialState || {};
  return {
    canAdmin: currentUser && currentUser.access === 'admin'.// Define the user type
    normalRouteFilter: (route) = > { // To check whether the user has the route permission
      return hasRoutes.includes(route.path)
    canRead:(porps) = >{  // It is used to determine whether a user has permissions on the page
      return role[porps.route.name].includes('read')}}; }Copy the code

This file returns a function that will be executed during application initialization. Each key of the object returned after execution corresponds to a Boolean value indicating whether the user has the permission.

Add it to the getInitialState () function in SRC /app.jsx

    const hasRoutes = ['/dashboard/workplace'.'/from'.'/form/basic-form']
    const role = {
        'advanced-form': ['rea'.'re']}const currentUser = {
    return {
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Role authorization

CanAdmin: currentUser.access = ‘admin’ and returns a Boolean

Need to add access to route: ‘canAdmin’ for example:

      name: 'monitor'.icon: 'smile'.path: '/dashboard/monitor'.component: './dashboard/monitor'.access: 'canAdmin'
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Routing permissions

CanRead Incoming route. To determine whether the route exists in the hasRoutes array. Return a Boolean value (Boolean)

Need to add access to route: ‘canAdmin’ for example:

      name: 'workplace'.icon: 'smile'.path: '/dashboard/workplace'.component: './dashboard/workplace'.access: 'normalRouteFilter'
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In-page permissions

CanRead is passed to props. To determine whether the role object contains the permission parameter in the array named parameters of the current route. Return a Boolean value (Boolean)

SRC /pages/form/advanced-form/index.jsx

First introduce useAccess, Accessimport { useAccess, Access } from 'umi';

const access = useAccess()

// This function gets all objects redefined by SRC /access.js

    accessible={access.canRead(props)} // Call the access.canRead method to props to determine the permission
    fallback={<div>Can not read foo content.</div>}
    Foo content.
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The Access component is used to show and hide elements

  • Accessible Indicates whether a permission is granted.
  • Fallback is used to prompt content without permission