The introduction ofantdtheRadioComponent, usingdisabledIn the case of (Radio.GroupThe second is selected by default. A blue border appears.

import { Radio } from 'antd'

 <Radio.Group disabled defaultValue="b" size="large">
    <Radio.Button value="a">Hangzhou</Radio.Button>
    <Radio.Button value="b">Shanghai</Radio.Button>
    <Radio.Button value="c">Beijing</Radio.Button>
    <Radio.Button value="d">Chengdu</Radio.Button>
Copy the code

The effect is shown in the figure (zoom in by a certain factor). It is found that the left border has a blue background by default. (Not clear, but you can see a little bit)

Blue may not be obvious, but try red instead

Visible, processing nondisabledthecssThe style is applied to the current situation.


.ant-radio-button-wrapper-checked.ant-radio-button-wrapper-disabled:not(:first-child)::before {
    background-color: #d9d9d9 ! important;
Copy the code

As shown in the figure, the problem is solved

Right brother to the answer, they have been fixed.