Ant Design Vue based drop-down pagination

Ant Design Vue document (Select)

Ant – Design – Vue (Select component) does not provide the function to support more pull-down pagination loading, but provides the popupScroll event, the callback when the drop-down list is scrolling. We can do pull-down pagination based on this event as follows:

<Select style="width: 200px" onPopupScroll={this.handlePopupScroll.bind(this)}> { [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14].map((item, Index) => (< select.option key={index} >{item}</ select.option >))}</Select > /** handlePopupScroll(e: any) { const { scrollHeight, scrollTop, ClientHeight} = if (scrollHeight - scrollTop === clientHeight) {console.log(' bottom ')}}Copy the code