On the 25th of this month, a programmer collapsed at his desk. It makes a lot of people feel deeply, and it also triggered my thinking as a programmer.

The original quote reads:

Original Zhihu link:


As the fabricator and executor of the Internet industry, we programmers are under great pressure. So there is a programmer posted lamenting: life only once, I feel sorry for the sudden death of an IT colleague, the age of 20, the hope of parents, but fell in the overtime post…… The so-called Alibaba, JINGdong… And other enterprises and sweatshops in those days there is no difference. The only difference is that physical labor has been replaced by mental labor.

The comments below also went viral

For the peer pour on the job post, I think we each code farmer programmer should ring alarm bells. According to the annual death toll, programmers are the industry with the highest risk of sudden death. Programmers are known as overtime manias and work overtime almost every day.

Sudden death on the job? Who’s to blame?

In the 21st century, and especially this year, 2018, rent, mortgage, and car have attached invisible pressures to our lives. With the progress of The Times and the improvement of the quality of life, people also need to work harder to learn new knowledge to ensure that they are not left behind by the crowd. The anxiety of life followed, and we could only try to run forward.

Is it the pressure of life or the ravages of society?

As a programmer, my advice

  • Don’t make sudden and drastic changes to your lifestyle (e.g., don’t be an IT geek and a mountain climber).

  • Try not to stay up late. Be sure to quit smoking, drinking alcohol and drinking less coffee

  • The most important thing is to ensure sufficient rest time every day no matter what (I haven’t done this anyway, recently I was busy studying until 11 or 12 PM).

  • Exercise regularly throughout the day and keep track of your body with tools such as heart rate monitoring. Aspirin can prevent many cardiovascular diseases, but if you want to take it, follow your doctor’s advice.

Many people who will sudden death are usually very healthy or seem to be very healthy, so IT is not that IT has been staying in a place without exercise is more likely to sudden death, or a weak and sick person every month cold is more likely to sudden death.

An able-bodied person, on the other hand, is more likely to take it easy, feel tough, and be crushed by the fatigue that accumulates in a short period of time. On the contrary, a weak and sickly, but every day regular work and rest of the people, but there will be no serious illness, no ups and downs.

Their feelings

Programmer is a laborious brain life, you struggle in the front line of programming compatriots, health is the most important, the most important personality, family and friends, nothing else is so important!

Finally, I hope that our programmers can pay attention to the body, as long as the capital of the revolution is still there, other work and so on are secondary, and I hope that the bosses of the company can understand the programmers code farmers is not easy, we wish every programmer can have a good body, will be kang and happy life!

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