Today we introduce a New Linux – CutefishOS, the recent very hot ah, you enthusiasts might as well have a look, the interface is as good as Apple! It’s so beautiful.

CutefishOS provides a beautiful visual interface for Ubuntu and is very popular in the Linux open source community abroad.

After watching it, I thought it was amazing.

CutefishOS release development team for CutefishOS Technology, founded in 2021, is a company focused on Linux desktop operating system research and development and services, CutefishOS implies love and beauty.

As the core product, CutefishOS is a Linux desktop operating system with modern style and practical design, which can meet the use requirements in various scenarios. Follow the public account Java technology stack, stack length will share more fun technology.

The overall layout of the desktop is similar to that of macOS. In pursuit of simplicity, beauty and utility, CutefishOS’s slogan is to make a better desktop operating system.

CutefishOS is based on the open source Linux kernel, which is more secure than other operating systems and has developers from around the world who review its code to make sure it is free of bugs and backdoors.

CutefishOS is built with Google Chrome, file management, Settings, terminal, calculator and other common applications. At the same time, it also supports WPS, netease Cloud Music, Sogou input method, network disk, QQ music and other common office and daily software.

The project is now open source on GitHub, with the latest version being 0.4.2 and only available as a Beta for testing and development.

CutefishOS plans to translate into 46 languages:

Download address: cutefish – ubuntu. Making. IO/download /

System Installation environment:

  • 20 GB+ disk space
  • 2 GB+ memory space

Important: CutefishOS is an open source project, so anyone can learn how it works and collaborate.

What do you think of CutefishOS?

Like can experience a wave.

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