- Gradle
The compile 'com. Simplepeng. Library: transformslibrary: 1.0.0'Copy the code
- Maven
Com. Simplepeng. Library transformslibrary 1.0.0 pomCopy the code
TransformUtil.reverse(mViewPager,new StackZoomInTransform());
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TransformUtil.forward(mViewPager,new StackZoomInTransform());
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- CardSlideTransformer
- Flip3DTransform
- FlipHorizontalTransformer
- RotateDownTransformer
- ZoomInTransform
- other view library code
extends TransformAdapter to custom view animations,for example:
public class ZoomBothTransform extends TransformAdapter { @Override public void onRightScorlling(View view, float position) { view.setScaleX(1 - position / 2); view.setScaleY(1 - position / 2); } @Override public void onLeftScorlling(View view, float position) { view.setScaleX(1 + position / 2); view.setScaleY(1 + position / 2); }}Copy the code
TransformAdapter has 4 can override method
- onRightScorlling
* @param view right view
* @param position right to center 1->0
* center to right 0->1
public void onRightScorlling(View view, float position) {
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- onLeftScorlling
* @param view left view
* @param position left to center -1->0
* center to left 0->-1
public void onLeftScorlling(View view, float position) {
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- onCenterIdle
public void onCenterIdle(View view) {
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- onTransform
/** ** @param view left and right view both callback * @param position [-1,1] */ public void onTransform(view view, float position) { }Copy the code