There are a lot of developers at Mixin Network, and we will continue to interview them and learn their stories, hoping that their stories will be helpful to developers. The developer’s Github address for this issue is

Mixin: Can you tell me about yourself?

My name is Ang Lee. I majored in civil engineering and worked as a structural engineer in an architectural design institute for 5 years. Last year, I started learning Ruby for a while, then switched careers and joined an Internet startup as a programmer. He likes to work on his own personal projects, most recently

Mixin: When did you learn to program?

I started to learn it at the beginning of 2017, when I was still on the job, and I learned it as an amateur.

Mixin: What programming software do you use on a daily basis? Like IDE, debugger

My current work mainly focuses on web development and wechat applets development. The commonly used software includes Atom, iTerm, Google Chrome, wechat applets developer tools and Dash.

Mixin: What hardware do you use on a daily basis?

Macbook Pro and Nut R1.

Mixin: When and how did you know about Mixin Network?

I first heard about it at the end of 2017, when there were many invitations to mixin on wechat moments. Later, I learned that the Press. One project was changed to be based on Mixin, and I started to pay attention to it.

Mixin: What prompted you to take the time to write this work?

The main reason why I switched from the traditional construction industry to the Internet industry was that I was curious about new things that were driving the development of the world, and I always wanted to be involved in some way. Ever since the Mixin developer documentation came out, I’ve been trying to get some time to look at it and see what I can do. Until July this year, I spent about a week in my spare time reading over the documents and related materials, and then wrote a demo project called “Investment Mistakes Book” on weekends. Then I just pulled out some of the code and wrote a Ruby SDK for Mixin to make it easier for me to use.

Mixin: When did you learn and use the current language to write apps on the Mixin network

I wrote my first demo in early July this year, and wrote my second Mixin network-based project (also based on,, on a typhoon day in September.

Mixin: What was the special feeling in writing this work?

It feels that Mixin Network brings developers closer to the blockchain world. As long as you have a certain understanding of Web development, the learning cost of developing Dapps on Mixin Network is actually very low.

Mixin: Any suggestions for Mixin Network?

There is no suggestion to speak of. If anything, I wish there were more incentives for developers.

Mixin: What are your own views on how digital assets will be used in the future?

Digitizing everything that can be digitized should be the trend. The digital world has gone from being a so-called “virtual world” to being an important part of the real world. The application scenarios of digital assets should be more and more extensive. However, I always feel for the stone to cross the river mentality.

Mixin: What languages, tools, and books would you recommend to other app developers?

I’m just a newcomer to the world of coding, and I don’t recommend languages. I’m still learning new ones myself. I think language is probably not very important, you can use it easily. At present, Go, JS, Java, Python have SDK, it is quite convenient to use. But Ruby On Rails is by far the most comfortable for me. Tools and books don’t seem to be particularly recommended.

Mixin is a developer-friendly blockchain lightning network. Click to learn more. Mixin is hosting a developer contest. For details, click…