Last night I talked to my friend about drawing a line, and then I drew a line chart with more strokes.

Take a look at the renderings first

So let’s do that

Let’s start with a fixed line chart

1. Draw an xy axis first.

   Paint daxesPaint,axispointPaint,brokenLinePaint;
        // Canvas width
        canvasWidth = canvas.getWidth();
        // Canvas height
        canvasHeight = canvas.getHeight();
        widthCriterion = canvasWidth /10;    // Divide the canvas width into 10 parts
        hightCriterion = canvasHeight /10;   // Divide the canvas height into 10 parts
        minCriterion = widthCriterion > hightCriterion ? hightCriterion /2: widthCriterion /2; // Draw the basis for the Angle of the xy axis
        daxesPaint=new Paint();
        daxesPaint.setAntiAlias(true);  // Remove the serrated effect
        daxesPaint.setStrokeWidth(7.0 f);// Brush width
        // The first method is to draw the xy axis
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DrawDaxes are as follows:Copy the code
 private void  drawDaxes(Canvas canvas,Paint p){
       // Start y drawing frame
       // Draw Angle Y
       canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion,hightCriterion,widthCriterion+minCriterion2 -,hightCriterion+minCriterion,p);
       // Start x drawing frame
       canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion4 -,hightCriterion*9,widthCriterion*9,hightCriterion*9,p);
       // Draw the x Angle
       canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion*9-minCriterion,hightCriterion*9+minCriterion,widthCriterion*9,hightCriterion*92 -,p);

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The effect is as follows:

2. Draw the x and y coordinates * again

 // Start drawing the xy coordinates
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The drawAxispoint method is as follows

 private void drawAxispoint(Canvas canvas,Paint p){
       Typeface font = Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, Typeface.BOLD);
       p.setTypeface( font );
       for (int i = 1; i <=8 ; i++) {
           String text= String.valueOf(- 1+i);
           int stringWidth = (int) p.measureText(text);     // The text length
           canvas.drawText(text, i*widthCriterion-stringWidth/2, hightCriterion*9+textFont, p);/ / draw the text
       for (int i = 1; i <=7 ; i++) {
           String text= String.valueOf(i);
           int stringWidth = (int) p.measureText(text);
           // The text length
           canvas.drawText(text, widthCriterion-textFont, hightCriterion*9-i*hightCriterion+stringWidth/2, p);/ / draw the text}}Copy the code

The renderings are as follows:

3. Finally, draw polylines and coordinate points

 // Start drawing polylines and coordinate points
        brokenLinePaint.setStrokeWidth(5.0 f);
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DrawbrokenLine ();

 private void drawbrokenLine(Canvas canvas,Paint p){
       // Draw the points on the folding line
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion, hightCriterion*9.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*2,hightCriterion*2.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*3,hightCriterion*5.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*4,hightCriterion*7.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*5,hightCriterion*6.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*6,hightCriterion*7.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*7,hightCriterion*2.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*8,hightCriterion*3.10, p);

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The renderings are as follows:

Fixed line chart Java file as follows:

public class LineChartView extends View {

    private int minCriterion;
    private int hightCriterion;
    private int widthCriterion;
    private int canvasHeight;
    private int canvasWidth;
    private int textFont;

    public LineChartView(Context context) {

    public LineChartView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);


    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    / / to draw
    private void drawAxis(Canvas canvas){
        Paint daxesPaint,axispointPaint,brokenLinePaint;
        // Canvas width
        canvasWidth = canvas.getWidth();
        // Canvas height
        canvasHeight = canvas.getHeight();
        widthCriterion = canvasWidth /10;    // Divide the canvas width into 10 parts
        hightCriterion = canvasHeight /10;   // Divide the canvas height into 10 parts
        minCriterion = widthCriterion > hightCriterion ? hightCriterion /2: widthCriterion /2; // Draw the basis for the Angle of the xy axis

        daxesPaint=new Paint();
        daxesPaint.setAntiAlias(true);  // Remove the serrated effect
        daxesPaint.setStrokeWidth(7.0 f);// Brush width
        // The first method is to draw the xy axis

        // Start drawing the xy coordinates

        // Start drawing polylines and coordinate points
        brokenLinePaint.setStrokeWidth(5.0 f);

   private void  drawDaxes(Canvas canvas,Paint p){
       // Start y drawing frame
       // Draw Angle Y
       canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion,hightCriterion,widthCriterion+minCriterion2 -,hightCriterion+minCriterion,p);
       // Start x drawing frame
       canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion4 -,hightCriterion*9,widthCriterion*9,hightCriterion*9,p);
       // Draw the x Angle
       canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion*9-minCriterion,hightCriterion*9+minCriterion,widthCriterion*9,hightCriterion*92 -,p);


   private void drawAxispoint(Canvas canvas,Paint p){
       Typeface font = Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, Typeface.BOLD);
       p.setTypeface( font );
       for (int i = 1; i <=8 ; i++) {
           String text= String.valueOf(- 1+i);
           int stringWidth = (int) p.measureText(text);     // The text length
           canvas.drawText(text, i*widthCriterion-stringWidth/2, hightCriterion*9+textFont, p);/ / draw the text
       for (int i = 1; i <=7 ; i++) {
           String text= String.valueOf(i);
           int stringWidth = (int) p.measureText(text);
           // The text length
           canvas.drawText(text, widthCriterion-textFont, hightCriterion*9-i*hightCriterion+stringWidth/2, p);/ / draw the text}}private void drawbrokenLine(Canvas canvas,Paint p){
       // Draw the points on the folding line
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion, hightCriterion*9.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*2,hightCriterion*2.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*3,hightCriterion*5.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*4,hightCriterion*7.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*5,hightCriterion*6.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*6,hightCriterion*7.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*7,hightCriterion*2.10, p);
       canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*8,hightCriterion*3.10, p); }}Copy the code

So let’s just wrap it up a little bit

1. First provide the method of input data to the outside world:

    public void setChartdate(String[] xdate, int[] ydate, float[] linedate) {
        this.xdate = xdate;    / / the x coordinate
        this.ydate = ydate;    / / y coordinates
        this.linedate = linedate; // The position of the point on the Y-axis
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2. Make the judgment that the data is empty and out of bounds

   if(xdate.length! =0&&ydate.length! =0&&linedate.length! =0&&xdate.length>=linedate.length){
            if(yMaxdata()>=lineMaxdata()){ drawAxis(canvas); }}Copy the code

The yMaxdata() and lineMaxdata() methods are used to take the maximum value of ydate and linedate

3. Connect all the written data with the data that is passed in.

    private void drawDaxes(Canvas canvas, Paint p) {
        // Start y drawing frame
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion, hightCriterion, widthCriterion, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1), p);
        // Draw Angle Y
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion - minCriterion, hightCriterion + minCriterion, widthCriterion + 2, hightCriterion, p);
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion, hightCriterion, widthCriterion + minCriterion - 2, hightCriterion + minCriterion, p);
        // Start x drawing frame
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion - 4, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1), widthCriterion * (xCopies - 1), hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1), p);
        // Draw the x Angle
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion * (xCopies - 1) - minCriterion, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) - minCriterion, widthCriterion * (xCopies - 1), hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) + 2, p);
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion * (xCopies - 1) - minCriterion, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) + minCriterion, widthCriterion * (xCopies - 1), hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) - 2, p);


    private void drawAxispoint(Canvas canvas, Paint p) {
        textFont = widthCriterion / 5 * 2;
        Typeface font = Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, Typeface.BOLD);
        // Draw the X-axis data
        for (int i = 0; i < xdate.length; i++) {
            String text = xdate[i];
            int stringWidth = (int) p.measureText(text);     // The text length
            canvas.drawText(text, (i + 1) * widthCriterion - stringWidth / 2, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) + textFont, p);/ / draw the text
        for (int i = 0; i < ydate.length; i++) {
            String text = String.valueOf(ydate[i]);

            int stringWidth = (int) p.measureText(text);
            // The text length
            if (i == 0) {}else {
                canvas.drawText(text, widthCriterion - textFont-stringWidth, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) - i * hightCriterion + stringWidth / 2, p);/ / draw the text}}}private void drawbrokenLine(Canvas canvas, Paint p) {
        float line=(hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1)-hightCriterion*2)/ydate[ydate.length- 1];

        for (int i = 0; i <linedate.length; i++) {
            float height=hightCriterion * (yCopies- 1)-line*linedate[i];
            if(i! =linedate.length- 1) {float elseheight=hightCriterion * (yCopies- 1)-line*linedate[i+1];
                canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion*(i+1),height , widthCriterion * (i+2), elseheight, p);
                canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*(i+1), height, 10, p);
                float endheight=hightCriterion * (yCopies- 1)-line*linedate[linedate.length- 1];
                canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*(i+1), endheight, 10, p); }}}Copy the code

Now you can dynamically draw a simple line chart based on the data you are given

After you find the control in the Activity, call the control’s setChartdate() method; The data are as follows:

    private String[] xdata={"0"."1"."2"."3"."4"."5"."6"."Seven"."8"};
    private int[] yfata={};
    private float[] linedata={ f.6.2};Copy the code

Incoming data:

Copy the code

The renderings are as follows:

The Java code after encapsulation is as follows

public class LineChartView extends View {

    private int minCriterion;
    private int hightCriterion;
    private int widthCriterion;
    private int canvasHeight;
    private int canvasWidth;
    private int textFont;

    private String[] xdate;
    private int[] ydate;
    private float[] linedate;
    private int xCopies;
    private float yCopies;

    public void setChartdate(String[] xdate, int[] ydate, float[] linedate) {
        this.xdate = xdate;
        this.ydate = ydate;
        this.linedate = linedate;

    public LineChartView(Context context) {

    public LineChartView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);


    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        if(xdate.length! =0&&ydate.length! =0&&linedate.length! =0&&xdate.length>=linedate.length){
            if(yMaxdata()>=lineMaxdata()){ drawAxis(canvas); }}}/ / to draw
    private void drawAxis(Canvas canvas) {
        xCopies = xdate.length + 2;
        yCopies = ydate.length + 2;
        Paint daxesPaint, axispointPaint, brokenLinePaint;
        // Canvas width
        canvasWidth = canvas.getWidth();
        // Canvas height
        canvasHeight = canvas.getHeight();
        widthCriterion = canvasWidth / xCopies;
        hightCriterion = (int) (canvasHeight / yCopies);
        minCriterion = widthCriterion > hightCriterion ? hightCriterion / 2 : widthCriterion / 2;
        // Start drawing the underlying background
        daxesPaint = new Paint();
        daxesPaint.setAntiAlias(true);  // Remove the serrated effect
        daxesPaint.setStrokeWidth(7.0 f);
        drawDaxes(canvas, daxesPaint);

        // Start drawing coordinate points
        axispointPaint = daxesPaint;
        drawAxispoint(canvas, axispointPaint);

        // Start drawing polylines and their points
        brokenLinePaint.setStrokeWidth(5.0 f);

    private void drawDaxes(Canvas canvas, Paint p) {
        // Start y drawing frame
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion, hightCriterion, widthCriterion, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1), p);
        // Draw Angle Y
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion - minCriterion, hightCriterion + minCriterion, widthCriterion + 2, hightCriterion, p);
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion, hightCriterion, widthCriterion + minCriterion - 2, hightCriterion + minCriterion, p);
        // Start x drawing frame
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion - 4, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1), widthCriterion * (xCopies - 1), hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1), p);
        // Draw the x Angle
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion * (xCopies - 1) - minCriterion, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) - minCriterion, widthCriterion * (xCopies - 1), hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) + 2, p);
        canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion * (xCopies - 1) - minCriterion, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) + minCriterion, widthCriterion * (xCopies - 1), hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) - 2, p);


    private void drawAxispoint(Canvas canvas, Paint p) {
        textFont = widthCriterion / 5 * 2;
        Typeface font = Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, Typeface.BOLD);
        // Draw the X-axis data
        for (int i = 0; i < xdate.length; i++) {
            String text = xdate[i];
            int stringWidth = (int) p.measureText(text);     // The text length
            canvas.drawText(text, (i + 1) * widthCriterion - stringWidth / 2, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) + textFont, p);/ / draw the text
        for (int i = 0; i < ydate.length; i++) {
            String text = String.valueOf(ydate[i]);

            int stringWidth = (int) p.measureText(text);
            // The text length
            if (i == 0) {}else {
                canvas.drawText(text, widthCriterion - textFont-stringWidth, hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1) - i * hightCriterion + stringWidth / 2, p);/ / draw the text}}}private void drawbrokenLine(Canvas canvas, Paint p) {
        float line=(hightCriterion * (yCopies - 1)-hightCriterion*2)/ydate[ydate.length- 1];

        for (int i = 0; i <linedate.length; i++) {
            float height=hightCriterion * (yCopies- 1)-line*linedate[i];
            if(i! =linedate.length- 1) {float elseheight=hightCriterion * (yCopies- 1)-line*linedate[i+1];
                canvas.drawLine(widthCriterion*(i+1),height , widthCriterion * (i+2), elseheight, p);
                canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*(i+1), height, 10, p);
                float endheight=hightCriterion * (yCopies- 1)-line*linedate[linedate.length- 1];
                canvas.drawCircle(widthCriterion*(i+1), endheight, 10, p); }}}private float yMaxdata(a){
        float max = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < ydate.length; i++) {

            if(ydate[i] > max) { max = ydate[i]; }}return max;

    private float lineMaxdata(a){
        float max = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < linedate.length; i++) {

            if(linedate[i] > max) { max = linedate[i]; }}returnmax; }}Copy the code

Core: draw and incoming data to produce a connection, it is recommended to draw a fixed, and then self-encapsulation, is beneficial to understanding

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