Thanks for all the feedback you’ve received on how to make Android Studio better, including through wechat, we’ve learned that Android Studio’s support for Apple chips has been much anticipated. With the official release of the Stable version of Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1), we also bring preview support for Apple chip (ARM64) hardware. We see a lot of developers using this version already, but there are still a lot of developers using the x86 version.

To help developers quickly download the appropriate Version of Android Studio, we’ve highlighted the entry for the Apple chip version on the official download page.

It’s important to note that Android Studio and the Android Emulator now include initial support for core developer workflows in the Apple Chip (ARM64) hardware architecture, including the corresponding emulator system image. There is currently no support for all SDK and NDK command-line tools. You may have to run Rosetta 2 on your computer to run some tools. Please read the release notes for details.

We expect a stable version of Apple chip support in Bumblebee (currently Canary) after Arctic Fox.

You can download the latest version of Android Studio Arctic Fox now, or download the Apple Chip Preview. If you want to keep a stable version of Android Studio, you can run both the Android Studio Arctic Fox Stable and Canary versions. Please read the official documentation for details.

We look forward to your feedback on what you like, what’s wrong with the product, and what features you’d like to add. If you find errors or problems, please feel free to submit them to us.