The debug function

Debug Traces the running process of the code. If exceptions occur during the running of the program, enable the Debug mode to locate exceptions and parameter changes during the running. Usually we can also enable Debug mode to track the running flow of the code to learn the source of the tripartite framework.

As a programmer, debugging skills are essential, and Android Studio also provides powerful debugging capabilities. So today we will take a good look at the debugging function provided by AS.

Learn with Android Studio.

Open the debug

Let’s start with the toolbar icon:

Note that 123568 is not a debug button.

  1. The Run button: AppAlready run, display the icon, click re-runApp;AppWithout running, the picture appears as a green triangle.
  2. Apply Change and Restart Activity button:Through the restartActivityResource and code changes are applied without restarting the application. Usually used to modify code or resource files.
  3. Apply Code Changes button: Attempts to Apply only Code Changes without rebooting anything. Usually used to modify only the code without modifying any resources.
  4. The Debug button:openDebugMode.
  5. Coverage button: To be explored (tell me if you know).
  6. Profile button: There will be a separate article explaining this feature later.
  7. Attach debugger to Android Process button: AppIt is running. Click the button and select the process to be debugged.
  8. Stop button:Stop runningApp.

Start debugging

1. The breaking point

Click the mouse to edit the left side of the box, red dots appear

Breakpoint classification


This diagram shows that breakpoints also have line breakpoints, method breakpoints, field breakpoints, and exception breakpoints. In fact, a closer look at the break points shows that the logo images are different, namely the four different red dots in front of each line in the image above.

Line breakpoint: Stops execution at this line and waits for debugging.

Attribute breakpoint: a breakpoint on a member variable of a class that is triggered when the variable is initialized or its value changes. Of course, you can also set filters with other uses.

Method breakpoint: type it in the first line of a function for function-level debugging, or in the JDK source code to view function calls. Ordinary breakpoints cannot be typed in the source code.

Exception breakpoint: A breakpoint is triggered when a specified exception is thrown. AS can specify an Exception by clicking the + sign in the upper left corner of Breakpoints and selecting Java Exception Breakpoints.

2. Enter the debugging mode

When you enter Debug mode, the Debug window is displayed at the bottom of Android Studio. If the Debug window is not open, choose View > Tool Windows > Debug. Let’s start with an overview of the Debug window:

I divided the entire window into sections,

  • Menu displays control area
  • Area 1 Breakpoint management area
  • Area 2 Single step debugging area
  • 3 area stack frame thread area
  • Area 4 Object variable observation area

Here are the explanations.

Menu displays control area

First of all, let’s talk about the menu on the left to display the control area, click the button, the menu will pop up, tick means that the menu to display, the picture tick all the menu, so you can see the corresponding menu on the right, if you cancel the menu, the corresponding menu on the right will also be hidden. This menu shows that you can choose according to your own needs.

Here we go!!

Area 1 Breakpoint management area

In vertical order:

  1. Return Android Debugger:Back into thedebugMode (App will not run again)
  2. Resume Program: Skip to the next breakpoint.
  3. Pause Program: pauses the operation
  4. Stop Debugger: Stops the breakpoint mode
  5. View Breadpoints: View all breakpoints (explained separately later)
  6. Mute Breadpoints: Enable/disable all breakpoints
  7. Get Thread Dump: Get Thread Dump.
  8. Setting: Controls the display of some menus
  9. Pin Tab: Fixed Tab when debugging multiple programs. Function grope for ing

Here to find the key to explain:

The View Breadpoints:

So let’s start with the picture above

Breakpoint display area:

Shows all breakpoints where we can quickly remove unnecessary breakpoints and speed up the program. Of course, we can also add exceptions that we care about, such as NullPointerException. Click ➕ in the upper left corner, and the menu pops up (as shown below). You can choose different types according to your own needs. Then type NullPointerException in the search box to blur the match, and select NullPointerException to add the breakpoint display.

This way, when our code has a null pointer exception, the breakpoint will be located at the location of the exception, very convenient. There were other kinds of exceptions you could add.

Menu setting area:

This menu can be used by clicking on View Breakpoints in the breakpoint management area on the left, or by right-clicking on the red dot of the breakpoint.

  1. Enable: indicates whether to Enable the breakpoint.
  2. Suspend:By default, The Android system suspends the application process when it accesses a chunk of memory that you have allocated to the watch point. behindAllPause all threads,ThreadPauses the current thread. You can deselect this option, and the red breakpoint turns yellow when you deselect it, as you can see in the image above.
  3. Condition: This is very useful. It is called a conditional break point. It’s used in loops, like a for loop, when I is equal to 8, to do something, do you want to loop over and over again? (this is what I did before), you can actually set the condition directly inside the condition, as shown below

When condition is added, there is a question mark below the red breakpoint, and num becomes 8 instead of 8.

  1. ‘Breakpoint hit’ message:It will outputBreakpoint hit.
  2. Stack Trace: Displays Stack information.
  3. Evaluate and log: Evaluate and log: Evaluate and log: Evaluate and log: Evaluate and log This is a hassle, and if you forget it, it will affect the aesthetics of the code. At this point, you need log breakpoints, as shown below

So we can print the variables that we want to see.

  1. Remove once hit: Remove once hit, so that we do not forget to cancel the breakpoint.

Heavy emphasis is coming!!

Area 2 Single step debugging area

There are only a few single step buttons at the top of the Debug window, but that’s enough for normal use. To show all of the AS single-step buttons, I describe the single-step buttons under the Run menu, AS shown below

Step Over(F8): skip to the next line of code (without entering the method) and pause if there is a breakpoint inside the method.

Force Step Over: Execute the next Step on the method line without pausing at the breakpoint, regardless of whether there is a breakpoint or not

Step Into(F7): Step Into a method if the breakpoint contains a submethod (not a method in the official library).

Force Step Into: Forces a single Step Into any method based on Step Info.

Smart Step Info: The breakpoint contains two or more method chain calls that you can optionally enter, including anonymous inner classes and lambda expressions, as shown in the figure below.

You can debug it by clicking inside the get or getAccessToken methods.

When registering a Step Out(⇧F8), as opposed to a Step leap, advance to the next line outside the current method.

Run to Cursor: Execute until the Cursor exits (there is no breakpoint).

Force Run to Cursor: Forces the Cursor to exit (whether there is a breakpoint or not).

Drop Frame: Clicking this button will return you to the call of the current method and re-execute it, with the values of all context variables returning to that time. As long as there are parent methods in the call chain, you can jump to any of them.

Evaluate Expression: You can enter any syntactic evaluation Expression, including variable, method, and other calls.

  • Computed expression

  • The method call

3 area stack frame thread area

Zone 3 contains Frames and Threads. Frames can examine the stack frame that caused the current breakpoint to be encountered, and is associated with the following four view variables. Threads displays all Threads of the current process. This is an area I use very little, more functions for me to explore, for this area to play 6 masters, you can share in the comments section.

Area 4 Object variable observation area

And this is the area that we use a lot, and the values of the variables that we need to observe, are all observed in this area. I believe we have all encountered that when we write code, we need to perform different operations according to the state returned by the interface, but there is only one state forever. How can we debug each state and our code business logic is right? I used to force a line of code to change the state and then delete it (really low). Now we can use the setValue function to change the value of a variable, similar to Evaluate.

Sometimes there are too many variables, and we only need to observe the value of a certain variable, we can use Add Watches.