Sometimes our project was fine before, but when we closed it and opened it again, it had a Red Cross on the top app, like the one below

Here are some of the solutions I’ve tried:

Hahaha clean project doesn’t work for me. But we still have to go through the process, in case we’re ready

Second: Click the Red Cross and select Edit Configurations. The problem is that the SDK is not introduced correctly, there is no corresponding SDK for this project, etc.

First take a look at what version of SDK is being used for the current project and download it if not. CTRL + Alt + S to open the Settings, select System Setting, Android SDK, SDK Tools, select show Package Details in the lower right corner, and install the corresponding version.

And then build it and see what happens

The third kind: I belong to this kind, speechless son. I have changed my computer. I put the SDK on DISK C before, and then I installed the SDK on disk D after installing AS. I cannot find the path if I change it. Just change the configuration in

For the record, I hope it helps the cutie in question, Jesmola