Android projects are manually migrated from Eclipse to Android Studio by copying Eclipse structured projects into the corresponding Android Studio module.

  • Create the Android Stuido project

Create a project on Android Stuido, and then create the corresponding Module, ec common project corresponds to as Phone Module, EC projectproject.propertiesConfiguration fileandroid.library=trueCorresponding to as Android Library.

  • The migration file

In the figure above, the left side is ec project EC, and the right side is AS Phone Module Module as. Now, copy the ec project resources to the corresponding Module directory of the AS.

EC/assets –> AS/src/main/assets
EC/lib –> AS/lib
EC/lib/armeabi –> AS/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi
EC/res –> AS/src/main/res
EC/src –> AS/src/main/java
EC/ SRC/package name/aiDL file –> AS/ SRC /main/aidl/ package name/aiDL file
EC/assets –> AS/src/main/assets

Note: is the EC/Files in the directory are copied to AS/directory

  • Manifest.xml

The EC/ Androidmanifest.xml file permissions and<application>Copies the contents of under the label to the AS/SRC/main/AndroidManifest. XML, in according to the AS prompt changes.