Android passes integers to the background?

Often encountered with reserved int interface, Android this is not written up, even if the encapsulated network framework supports int, look at the framework bottom layer, found is also turned string. What is the reason for this?

Theoretically, with the support of the above three layer protocols, data can already be transferred from one host application to another host application, but at this time, the data transmitted is byte stream, which can not be well recognized by the program, poor operability. Therefore, the application layer defines various protocols to regulate the data format, such as HTTP, FTP, and SMTP. HTTP is a common application layer protocol, which is mainly used for data communication between B/S architectures. The packet format is as follows:

In Resquest Headers, Accept indicates the format of the data that the client expects to receive, and ContentType indicates the format of the data that the client sends. In Response Headers, ContentType represents the data format of the Response from the server. The format defined here is generally the same as the format defined by Accept in Resquest Headers.

With this specification, when the server receives the request, it can correctly parse the data sent by the client. When the request is processed, it can return the data in the format required by the client. After the client receives the result, it can parse the data in the format returned by the server.

So the main job of the application layer is to define the data format and interpret the data according to the corresponding format.

But Headers doesn’t have an int or Interger attribute.