There is a frustrating problem with Flutter learning:

Integrating Flutter into the original project, jumping to FlutterActivity succeeded, but got stuck on the splash screen.

Searched the net for a long time also did not find a solution, card for several days. Finally, I solved it. My solution is:

Change the module name of my Android project that relies on Flutter back to “app” to successfully jump to Flutter.

My Module depends on (:flutter)

implementation project(path: ':flutter')
Copy the code

The name of this module must be ‘app’ **

That’s my guess. Anyway, that’s how I solved it.

I don’t know where else I saw this problem, which blog changed the Gradle file of Flutter SDK. But I think the Flutter version will be updated very quickly, and it will be troublesome to keep changing Gradle

Hopefully it will be helpful for people who have this problem.