It was around the second half of 2020 that I came up with the idea of opening an official account. The year 2020 has just passed, but we have experienced a lot of emotions. The biggest word is change, whether it is work, or life. Life is bitter and sweet. Of course, things will get better and better. And at work, it’s getting better, too.

I am an Android developer, but I have experienced many twists and turns along the way. Android development, is a self-taught, and almost entirely self-taught. How to avoid less detours, this is the need to learn. Once you start learning Android development, how to build your Android knowledge, how to deal with work, and how to go through various interviews when changing jobs, these are all things that need to be learned. And in order to sum up the experience and lessons, but also convenient for other students to learn and less detours, decided to open a public account. Can work too busy, so until today just opened the public account.

So, now that open, what will they talk about, what articles?

As an Android developer, the first thing you need to do is introduce yourself to Android development. In the introduction of Android development knowledge, we will proceed from the simple to the deep, as far as possible for the beginner, middle and senior engineers. An Activity, for example, will explain how to use it, how to use it well, how to avoid memory leaks, how to start it, how to start it, and so on. Android development requires not only Android knowledge, but also data structure and algorithm, network and other knowledge. Therefore, common data structures and algorithms, networks and other knowledge will also be introduced.

So, is that enough? Not enough, of course. In addition to this, Gradle will also be introduced. For business development, only some basic knowledge of Android development is ok. But if you want to know compilation, system learning, need to understand Gradle knowledge. Gradle is a tool for building more than just Android. Thanks to the Android Studio tools, you don’t need to know Gradle in detail during normal development. However, if you want to use the plugins and inserts well, Gradle knowledge is essential. Especially in some need to change the name of the package, multi-channel packaging, but also need. Therefore, Gradle knowledge will also be introduced as a key item.

Although it is a developer, is often mocked into a program ape, plaid shirt, big pants, as if a standard match. But the programmer has a life, and a life to live. What is life like, and what is the process of perception, well, is the perception of life, will be another part of the public account. I will publish some thoughts of life in the hope of resonating with you.

Above, is the basic planning of Android development life public number. If you have any suggestions, welcome to comment! You can directly leave a message or send a message, the next is the public qr code, welcome everyone to scan the code attention!