
Looking back on my recent experience, due to the company’s sudden notice of layoffs, I went out to meet several companies in a hurry, but failed to get offers at last. I feel a little cold in the winter of this year. The company started the second wave of layoffs, and I decided to take the compensation and leave voluntarily. During the subsequent interview, I made some preparations, and basically reached hr. Later, I also got the offer successfully. I would like to share my experience of job hunting with you, hoping to give you some reference.

Scientists once did a study, they compared the brains of Edison and those of ordinary people, and they found that there was not much difference. From the physiological structure, the difference between people is not big, the difference is just the degree of effort, some people in the effort to run, some people stop in place to rest, a long time, then their development is doomed to be different, whether it is the amount of knowledge accumulation or vision have a great difference.

Now I share this learning material with you, hoping that you can go further and further in the field of Android, and eventually achieve your own career.

Data directory

  • An architect must have Java foundation
  • Design ideas read open source frameworks
  • 360° all-round performance optimization
  • Android framework architecture
  • NDK module development
  • Flutter learning is advanced
  • Wechat small program development

First, the architect must have Java foundation

3. Concurrent programming 4. Data transfer and serialization 5. The Principle of Java Virtual Machine 6

Interpretation of open source framework

1. Hot repair design; 2. Plug-in framework design; 3. Component framework design; 4

3. 360° all-round performance optimization

1. Design ideas and code quality optimization

2. Program performance optimization

  • Optimization of startup speed and execution efficiency
  • Layout detection and optimization
  • Memory optimization
  • Optimize the power consumption
  • Network transmission and data storage optimization
  • APK size optimization

3. Optimization of development efficiency

  • Git, a distributed version control system
  • Automated build system Gradle…

Iv. Android framework Architecture

1. Advanced UI promotion 2. Android kernel components 3.

V. NDK Module Development (Audio and Video Series)

1. Introduction to C/C++ for NDK development 2. JNI module development 3. Linux programming 4.

Learning about Flutter

Build your first Flutter development environment in Windows. Write your first Flutter APP.

7. Wechat small program development

1, small program overview and introduction 2, small program UI development 3, API operation 4, shopping mall project combat……

Dream in the distance, road in the foot. As long as the direction is firm, step by step, there is no distance that can not be reached!

The last

** As a newcomer with zero foundation, I think persistence is the most important thing. ** Many of my friends have asked me to learn, I also very attentively to teach them, but less than a month can not stick to it. I think there are two main reasons why they can’t hold on:

They plan to enter the industry not because of interest, but because the so-called IT industry pays well or has no plan for the future.

At the beginning of learning is really boring, it is really a test for you, so it is not easy to stick to it, but if you are interested in it, you will not think it is tired, you will not think it is boring, in a word, it is important to persevere.

Technology bottlenecks? Lack of advanced Android advanced video learning to improve yourself? There are plenty of big job interviews to prepare you for!

Click :Android learning, interview documents, video collection big collation

To get learning materials to improve themselves to challenge the BAT interview difficulties

For many Android engineers, if they want to improve their skills, they tend to grow by themselves, and the learning effect is inefficient, long and helpless. The focus of this article is whether you have gained and grown, the rest is not important, I hope readers can keep this in mind.

No matter what difficulties we meet, they should not be a reason for us to give up!

If there is any doubt can directly private me, I try my best to help you!

Finally, I wish you all can stick to it and learn something.