Since date pickers are not officially available, we’ll have to make them ourselves, or via AndoirdView and DatePickerDialog.

The following is a Compose date selector that I made by myself. All of the following can only be used for learning, which is not as effective as the project needs.

Add the JitPack repository to your build file (build.gradle file in the project root)

allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url '' } } }

To add a dependency dependencies {implementation ‘com. Making. Fanketly: accompanist: 0.2’}

There are now only three simple controls in the library

1.Banner3D first naked eye 3D effect Banner, specific effect can be visited the following page. According to Fu Xi’s […] Teaching articles made.

2. Simple Calendar control effect reference [Android Compose simple Calendar – nuggets (juejin. Cn)], now the practicality has been greatly improved. (juejin. Cn/post / 703623…).

DatePickerDialog Date selection controls are available in Compose_STRINGS IST: a third-party library of useful controls written in Compose. See the implementation code at

The effect is as follows:
