Online XXEncode encryption and decryption tools, providing XXEncode coding (XX coding), XXEncode decoding (XX decoding), as well as XXEncode coding principle, coding algorithm description.

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XXEncode is a binary to text coding! It is similar to UUEncode and Base64 encoding methods. It also defines a way to represent binary text with printable characters, not a new set of encodings. XXEncode encodes the input text in units of three bytes. If less than three bytes of data are left, zeros are used to fill in the remaining data. There are 24 bits in three bytes, which are divided into four groups in the unit of 6-bit. Each group represents the value of the byte in decimal. This number will only fall between 0 and 63. It has 64 printable character fixed character ranges and sequences! Contains uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and +- characters. Its advantage over UUEncode is that its 64 characters are common characters, without any special characters!