Small program as promised and everyone to meet, on the momentum of these two days, can be said to be “the tide of praise”. Peak will also chat with you today about the relevance of this app to our iOS programmers.

Initial impressions

The initial experience is very good. After trying a few small programs, I feel that the fluency and response time are excellent, and the overall level is very close to Native experience. The client team should have put a lot of effort into it.

The entry to the applets is now on the third Tab page, and the amount of traffic that can be brought in from this entry depth alone is already considerable. Used applets are recorded in a history list, which is similar to subscription behavior. Small programs do not have any recommendation, fuzzy search is not supported, but it is still possible to find a small program accurately, fuzzy and precise rules are unknown, at least wechat background adjustable. With the initial public so high attention, the flow of dividends should still exist.

Many people have expressed that they can uninstall all kinds of third-party low-frequency apps. After all, the core function points of most apps can be expressed in a page. Peak has also deleted several apps, such as buying movie tickets, fruit takeout, hailing a car, etc. Many actions will be completed by mini apps in the future, which will make the desktop cleaner and the eyes more comfortable.

Small program for the first time, praise! Again is the theme of this article.

Will iOS programmers lose their jobs?

Peak actually received this kind of question in the background of the official account, and there were many similar arguments in the popular science articles of the two days, such as “Now that there are mini programs, do you still need an App?” “These are a bit of amateurish arguments that are disturbing to hear.

Indeed, from the point of view of the boss, in terms of the development cost and the rate of return of revenue, the small program can quickly develop new business in wechat, a platform with huge traffic, which is a shortcut for the start-up company to verify the business model. The boss’s decision will inevitably have an impact on the market and talent selection, and thus directly affect the number of jobs. So, if the small program can maintain the current momentum, and in the next year or two to produce the impact of the size of the public account platform, we iOS programmers in employment and career development will certainly be affected, the question is the size and scale of the impact.

How far applets will go, and how much they will tweak the App habits of existing users, remains to be seen. Just imagine, if all native apps are moved into wechat (regardless of whether the third party is willing or not), Appstore downloads will decrease sharply. Now that the overall development and revenue of App Store are heavily dependent on the Chinese market, will Apple sit by and watch wechat make major adjustments to the entire App ecosystem in China?

In the final analysis, this is a battle for the control of user fragmentation time and flow, the manufacturers want to use the flow dividend of wechat, rather than the whole family, who does not want to leave users at their own door? Each platform on their own flow control has always been “xu into not out”, from outside the code into wechat H5 page is easy, and then jump from wechat other App is easy? Perhaps the strength of wechat will cause the flood of The Times to make various manufacturers lose their options, but Apple is located at the apex of the iOS App ecosystem? Developers are precious resources for the platform, and Apple pays particular attention to the developer resources it has accumulated so far. The decline of iOS developers will certainly affect the prosperity of the entire ecosystem.

Let’s take a step back and say that small programs are really taking over native App development, just as Apple took over Nokia, and the market demand for iOS talent drops to single digits. What should we iOS programmers do? Then make the best of it and move on.

In fact, Peak switched from Symbian development to iOS development at that time, and the migration process of the whole development platform was very pleasant. Friends today may not be able to imagine how many Google documents it took to draw a beautiful Label in Symbian. After switching to iOS, the experience of writing code has been improved. The first time I wrote an iOS UI I couldn’t help but praise UIKit’s encapsulation. What Peak is saying is that there is a survival mechanism in the market for platforms, that time will always bring us better quality, that development platforms will only become more and more accessible to programmers, and that we should enjoy the new experiences that come with the process rather than remaining static.

Again, iOS programmers are programmers first and foremost, with the iOS modifier in front, just to tell the market that our focus is on iOS right now. What is a programmer? Someone who can only do UI with Xcode is not a programmer. Programmers are those who have an insatiable curiosity about the world and continue to learn. Own computer, hardware, for girl pack system, antivirus, repairing the electric light bulb, work on with the script to promote efficiency, make the UI, write business, made a wheel, a architecture and so on, these are the programmer’s territory, for programming to hold an endless supply of power and passion, the pioneer on the acceptance and learning new things, this is the programmer. The value of a good programmer does not depend on whether his prefix is iOS or Android, nor does it depend on which platform the feature he implements runs on.

Uncle Bob, the author of Clean Code, once mentioned in a lecture that some foreign programmers are “Language Oriented Programming”. What does that mean? These programmers are not picky about programming language, PHP, Python, Ruby, whatever is hot, whatever pays better. The truth is that switching to a new language is cheaper than most people think when you have a relatively solid theoretical knowledge of computers and a deep knowledge of the language.

Finally, Peak suggests: Let the wind beat the bow, and the noise rise and fall, while I sit still and learn. If one day iOS development really disappeared, let’s learn XOS development together, it will be better.

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