Public account: You and the cabin by: Peter Editor: Peter

Hello, I’m Peter

Today is an article on Python variables and assignment.

In fact, we have seen a lot of assignment statements in Python, such as a=1, which assigns the value 1 to the variable A.

Before getting into assignment statements, let’s look at variables in Python.

The environment

Peter: Yes, I do.

  • System: MacOS
  • Tool: Jupyter Notebook
  • Python version: 3.7.5
  • Document editor: Typora


Have a good understanding of the memory location of variables

A variable is a container for data, so to speak. When you define variables in Python, you don’t need to declare them. When we first assign a value to a variable, the variable is automatically created and its type is specified.

Variables themselves are not typed, only objects (assigned data) are typed

a = 66
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b = 66
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type(a)  # check that the value type is an integer int
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type(b)  # string type
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We define two variables a and B, both of which are the number 66. Although the names are different, they represent the same element in the computer. Look at their memory address.

For example: Pig Eight Quit (value 66) this person, we can call “two shi Elder brother” (in variable A), can also be called “Tianpeng Marshal” (in variable B), but in essence they are pig eight Quit, just changed individual names, essentially the same

id(a)  A and B have the same memory address
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Let’s define another variable assignment:

a = 77
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We see that we assigned the value 66 to a and the memory address was 4430785696, and then we assigned the value 77 to A and the memory address became 4430786048.

Why is that? In fact, the numbers 66 and 77 are essentially two objects in the computer, but they just happen to have the same name. For example, journey to the West has a plot: the real Monkey King

The real Monkey King (number 66) and the fake Monkey King (number 77) are both called monkeys (label A), but they are actually two different monkeys (assigned different addresses).

Create a variable

The creation of a variable is achieved through an assignment statement

x = 99  # numeric
language = "python"  # string
number = []  # list

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[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
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Naming rules for variable names

Python variables can be named with short names, such as x, y, z, a, b, etc., or with descriptive names, such as age, name, sex, so that others can see what the variables mean. The usual Python naming rules for variables are:

  • Variable names must start with a letter or underscore character, not a number
  • Variable names can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _)
  • Variable names are case sensitive (name, name, and name are three different variables)
  • Variable names must not conflict with Python keywords, or they will not be valid

Let’s look at common assignment methods in Python

Assignment statement

Conventional assignment

Assignment: To attach a Python data object to a variable, as if attaching a label to the object. Python uses the equal sign = as the assignment operator, in the form:

name = value

# variable = some value
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list1 = ["python"."java"]  # list assigned to variable B
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['python', 'java']
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list2 = [1.2["python"."html"], (1.4.7)]  # nested list
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[1, 2, ['python', 'html'], (1, 4, 7)]
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age = 28  # numerical
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information = "xiaoming is a boy"  # string
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'xiaoming is a boy'
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# define a variable dic, dictionary type

dic = {"name":"xiaoming"."age":20."sex":"fale"}
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{'name': 'xiaoming', 'age': 20, 'sex': 'fale'}
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Multivariable assignment

Assign three variables at once

m, n, o= 22."xiaoming"."Male"  # Assign 3 variables at once
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'male'Copy the code

The above example shows that 22 is assigned to m, the string object “xiaoming” is assigned to N, and “male” is assigned to the variable O

name, age = ("Peter".20)  # Assign by tuple
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The above example performs chained assignments in the form of Python tuples

Chain assignment

x1 = y1 = 33
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In the example above we defined both variables x1 and y1 by chain assignment. They are the same object in memory.

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It’s just the same Python object labeled differently, but essentially the same

Variable swap

k, j = 9.5
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The above variable assignment is equivalent to:

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print("k =",k)
print("j =",j)
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k = 9
j = 5
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print("id(k): ".id(k))
print("id(j): ".id(j))
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id(k):  4387308928
id(j):  4387308800
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Here we swap the values of the two variables kj:

k, j = j, k  # Exchange of variable values
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Assign the value of j (already 5) to k; Assign the value of the variable (already 9) to the variable j;

print("k =",k)
print("j =",j)
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k = 5
j = 9
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print("id(k): ".id(k))
print("id(j): ".id(j))
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id(k):  4387308800
id(j):  4387308928
Copy the code

By comparing the memory addresses of the two variables before and after swapping, we find that the memory addresses are swapped, that is, the variables have been swapped

In other programming languages, an exchange of values is implemented (assuming two variables a and B are already defined) :

temp = a  # a assigns the intermediate variable temp
a = b     The value of # b is assigned to variable A
b = temp  The value of # temp is assigned to variable B
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Equality and sameness of variables

First, we must declare equality and sameness in Python, which are two different concepts, as illustrated by examples

number1 = 88
number2 = 88
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Determine whether two variables are equal: use ==

number1 == number2
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Determine if two variables are the same: use is

number1 is number2
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The result is True, so number1 and number2 are the same object

list1 = "hello python" 
list2 = "hello python"
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list1 == list2  # is equal
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list1 is list2  # is not the same
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The above results show that list1 and list2 are equal, but not identical.

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By looking at their memory addresses, I found that they really are different, so they must be two different objects.

Let’s look at one last case:

number3 = 1000
number4 = 1000
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number3 == number4  # is equal
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number3 is number4  # Not even!
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When we look at the memory addresses of the two objects, we find that they are really different, so they must not be the same object

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Why is that? We’ll find out later.