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Product managers, testers, and developers manage requirements and bugs in Gitlab.


Why manage through Gitlab Issue instead of Jira, Redmine etc?

  1. The final deliverables of the development team are project code, and requirements and bugs are eventually translated into one line of code, one MR. Each step can be traced through issue.
  2. Gitlab Issue is lighter and markdown syntax makes the issue more focused on the content itself


  1. Each group manages the issues through a separate project and describes usage and definition in the Readme
  2. Manage project versions with Milestone and align targets. Rhythm is important
  3. throughlabelManagement Priorities (P0|P-1|P-100), type (bug|feature)
  4. throughboardTo viewissueProgress status, cooperateTo Do,Doing,VerifyEtc.labelTo defineIssue Life Cycle
  5. The template defines the information that the author needs to provide

The project Readme

# New Issue related details-template: select from the following 2 ignee -feature-bug-assignee: development leader -label: -priority p-1: full-line block work and report directly to the group without going through gitlab, for example: - site unavailable - P0: Block personal work - P1: Block does not work for the time being, but weekly scale needs to be resolved - P2: Temporarily do not block work, need to solve the weekly scale (with DDL- adjust priority) - label(optional) - BUG - Feature - Milestone - requirement monthThe test of the project has been completed- After the completion of the BUG Feature, the project will designate relevant personnel to do the acceptance. By default, whoever raises the Feature BUG will do the acceptance (there may be special designation). - After the completion of development, the issue will be put into the Verify kanban, and the author will close the issue after the acceptanceCopy the code

Gitlab issue template

The Markdown document in the project.gitlab /issue_templates directory can be selected when creating an issue. Using this feature, you can standardize the issue content and urge the author to provide valid information. Such as:

# background"> < p style =" max-width: 100%; clear: both; What are the benefits of doing it;# Specification of requirements> Answer what is the goal to be achieved == Requirements statement# scheme> Answer how to do it, provide a reference idea or model (optional - engineering decision)# validation> Answer what is called to, what are the criteria for verification results to meet expectations?Copy the code

Step #Word-wrap: break-word! Important; "> < p style =" max-width: 100%# Bug behavior> Block point - description# Desired behaviorWhat should it look like# in attachment> URL/ related information - ID number/screenshot (complete screenshot of the entire interface)Copy the code


  1. issue commentMove board status ->/board_move ~Doing
  2. Across a group of relatedissue -> group/project#issueNO
  3. 先生To close the associationissue -> close #9
  4. Add subtasks ->- [ ] subtask1
  5. addissueTime consuming – >/spend 3d 5h 10m