Dubbo’s official domain name has changed from Dubo. IO to dubbo.apache.org. It is not surprising to recall that Dubbo entered the Apache incubator in February.

This new official website is really fresh and bright. Compared with the old official website, this adjustment is quite a lot. I think IT is necessary for me to reintroduce Dubbo to you.

What is Dubbo?

Apache Dubbo (incubating) | ˈ d ʌ b goes ʊ | is a high-performance, lightweight open source Java RPC framework, it provides three main core competencies: an interface of remote method invocation (rmi), intelligent fault tolerance and load balancing, and automatic registration and discovery of services.

Here is a good article: Dubbo architecture design details, you can learn more.

Key features of Dubbo

  • High-performance RPC calls for interface proxy
  • Automatic service registration and discovery
  • Run-time traffic scheduling
  • Intelligent load Balancing
  • Highly scalable
  • Visual service governance and o&M

Dubbo new changes

1. The official website has changed its new domain name: dubbo.apache.org.

2, the official website supports switching between English and Chinese, the default is English.

3. The biggest adjustment and highlight is that Dubbo is multi-language, not only Java, but also Node.js, Python, PHP, etc. The official version of some languages is not released yet.

4. Support four startup methods: Spring XML, Spring Annotation, Plain Java, and Spring-Boot.

You can read more about Dubbo’s ecosystem at http://dubbo.apache.org/#/community?lang=zh-cn.

Dubbo current situation and future

Looking at recent events and news about Dubbo, it’s alive and well, and at the Global Architects Summit two days ago there were companies talking about the use of Dubbo as a microservices framework in their companies, so it’s going to get better and better.

Start your first Dubbo app now! Welcome to forward, wish Dubbo more and more powerful!

Resources: Ten stages of learning to become an architect!

Tutorials: The most powerful Spring Boot & Cloud tutorials ever

Tools: Recommended an online creation flow chart, mind mapping software

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