Spring has seen better days, keeping pace with The Times and leading the Java programming trend for at least a decade. Now, with the advent of Spring Boot, we are no longer constrained by the tedious configuration of Spring. Spring Boot is an excellent framework for current backend development. It stands out in today’s technology.

This document is written in the form of “knowledge points + examples” for Spring Boot 2.0 and later. Through “58 knowledge-based examples +2 comprehensive projects”, this book deeply explains the technical principles, knowledge points and specific applications of Spring Boot. Presenting an obscure theory with examples makes it easy for the reader to understand the knowledge and instantly learn how to use it.

It takes more than that to be a “warm” book. Therefore, this book spends a lot of space to compare and explain a variety of similar technology knowledge points, use and differences, readers can according to their own preferences for technology selection; It also explains the popular interface architecture style, RESTful, and the middleware RabbitMQ for high concurrency Redis and intersystem communication. The last two chapters integrate the knowledge of this book, explaining two common and practical practical projects.

The documentation is suitable for all readers interested in Spring Boot.

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The first introduction

Chapter 1 enters the Spring Boot world

Chapter 1: In addition to describing the relationship between Sping, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, the author also focuses on how to use development tools (such as IDEA) to achieve development, how to find object-like methods through API documents, and tells us how to learn, discover and solve problems in the development process. This is not in many books, but also the author’s careful place.

Chapter 2 prepares the development environment

Chapter 3 using development tools

Chapters 2 and 3: The author describes the setup of the Java environment and the use of development tools. Chapter 3, in particular, covers in great detail the use of various development tools (IDEA, Eclipse, STS) and how to install plug-ins. For starters, chapter 3 is worth reading as a tutorial on how to get started with development tools that the author has practiced. In addition, the author also describes how to use the IDEA shortcut key, the reader can follow the steps demonstrated in the book to do the actual operation. To do a good job, he must sharpen his tools. So please don’t ignore this chapter.

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The second foundation

Chapter 4 Spring Boot basics

Chapter 5 layered Web application development

Chapter 6 Reactive carbuncle

Chapters 4-6: These three chapters are the foundation of the book, especially for beginners. Chapter 4 describes the engineering construction of SpringBoot, how to use SpringBoot annotations for development, and elaborated on the basic concept of annotations and the principle of use, while the reader can follow the example of practical operation, experience annotated programming and configuration file combined use. Chapter 5 describes the MVC pattern and principle of Spring Boot in detail, and explains the Thymeleaf template engine through examples, readers can easily start. Chapter 6 gives you an in-depth understanding of the development process of responsive programming WebFlux and how to connect to and manipulate MongoDB databases by following examples. The ancients cloud: folding leaves and high section, all from the very end of the birth. Therefore, I hope readers can learn through chapters 4 to 6, solid foundation.

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The third advanced chapter

Chapter 7~13: in the theoretical explanation part let us understand the technical focus of the work, and then let us in-depth study with examples, improve the technical level, easy to meet the work, the knowledge and practical operation skills to apply to the work. ;

Chapter 7 Advanced Spring Eoot

Chapter 7 examines two important Spring features :AOP and loC;

Chapter 8 uses DEM to operate SQI database

Chapter 8 explains how to use ORM and how it works;

Chapter 9 Interface Architecture Style — RESTful

Chapter 9 covers the requesting methods of the interface and the defining specification style of the interface

Chapter 10 integrates the security framework to achieve security authentication and authorization

Chapter 10 covers Spring Security;

Chapter 11 integrates Redis for high concurrency

Chapter 11 explains Redis and how it works and uses it.

Chapter 12 integrates RabbitMQ to exchange data between systems

Chapter 12 covers RabbitMQ, a messaging middleware that has been widely used in recent years;

Chapter 13 integrates NoSQL database and implements search engine

Chapter 13 explains how to use NoSQL database to implement Elasticsearch and Solr two search framework effects, at the same time, the search engine made a detailed description, and through the example to achieve data increase, delete, modify, query operations. The author tells us his years of work experience and the knowledge he must master through the combination of theory and practice, so that we can grow from a technical “rookie” to a technical “master” in a short time.

In view of the importance of chapters 7 to 13, I hope readers read it more than once. As the saying goes: a book read a hundred times is a book of its own meaning. Therefore, we hope readers can improve the breadth and depth of knowledge through the study of Chapters 7 to 13.

Vx: KaixIndian331

The fourth project actual combat

Chapters 14 and 15: The author carefully prepares two project examples. The knowledge from these two chapters is often asked by interviewers when we are looking for jobs. How many projects have you worked on? What kind of technology? Therefore, you can use these two chapters to understand the actual project and put the previous content together. The paper come zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice. I hope you can do it yourself.

Chapter 14 is the development of enterprise-level general background system

Chapter 15 realizes an e-commerce mall similar to “Jingdong”

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