Abstract: The Open Network Summit(ONS), an annual networking event, concluded on March 29. As the premier global conference for open source networking, ONSNA2018 is in its seventh year in Los Angeles. The participants included telecom operators, cloud service providers, network equipment manufacturers, chip manufacturers, network software developers, researchers and many other network ecological participants, attracting more than 2,000 industry experts and practitioners.

The Open Network Summit(ONS), a networking event, concluded on March 29. As the premier global conference for open source networking, ONSNA2018 is in its seventh year in Los Angeles. The participants included telecom operators, cloud service providers, network equipment manufacturers, chip manufacturers, network software developers, researchers and many other network ecological participants, attracting more than 2,000 industry experts and practitioners. IDC, a well-known IT analysis agency, believes that ONS brings together many participants in the upstream and downstream of the network industry and is a perfect place for enterprises of different sizes to learn about the development of network technology.
More than 100 technology leaders from the world’s top technology companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, AT&T, DellEMC and so on gave wonderful speeches. It is worth mentioning that more and more Chinese technology companies, including Huawei, China Telecom, AliYun and Spruce Networks, showed up at the ONS, demonstrating the confidence of China’s technology sector on the international stage.

The conference was full of dry goods, covering about 40 topics in various fields. These topics present the views of the scientific and academic circles on the future evolution of networks from the perspectives of Internet of Things, 5G, cloud and Network convergence, network intelligence, and software-defined networks.

About the future trend of network technology

Topics in this field include networked artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, SD-WAN, Internet of Things, programmable networking hardware, and more. Some Open source projects supported by THE Open Web Foundation, such as ONAP, DPDK, Open Daylight and MANO, are also introduced.

Network services and Architecture

Many issues of concern to enterprise IT managers are discussed, including high availability, scalability and security of network platforms. And the ROI of next-generation automated network infrastructure and network transformation.

Telecom operators and cloud service providers

It involves the application and integration of 5G, network function virtualization NFV, SD-WAN and vCPE, edge computing, 4K video, CDN, etc

Enterprise IT development operation

Topics include container network, Cloud Native application development, microservice architecture, intent-based network, etc
At ONS this year, Ali Cloud participated deeply in the technical exchange and sharing of the conference for the first time, demonstrating to the attendees its products and technical capabilities in the network field, especially in virtual network SDN.
CAI Yiqun, senior researcher of Network RESEARCH and Development Department, delivered a keynote speech “Challenges and Opportunities in Building a Transparent Network” at the main forum, explaining alibaba network’s global resources and capabilities, as well as the value of using programmable network equipment.

Virtual network technology r&d director Cheng Gang gave a technical speech “Productization Practice based on SDN Technology” at the SDN technology sub-forum. For the first time, I introduced the SDN technology architecture of Ali Cloud to my peers in the industry on an international exchange occasion. The speech shared the practical experience of SDN technology in the process of product landing. The audience responded enthusiastically, asking questions and exchanging ideas.

CAI Dezhong, chief architect of network architecture, made a technology sharing “Network Remote Sensing for Very large Scale Data center Networks”. Combined with the network deployment and practice of Alibaba Group, this paper introduces the experience of managing super large data center network.

Another highlight during the exhibition is aliyun’s new product Cloud Enterprise Network (Cloud Enterprise Network) began to invite global testing. This product helps enterprises build high-speed, highly available and secure global networks at the minute level. Compared with the current dedicated line connection solution that takes months, it is simpler and faster, greatly shortening the global service deployment cycle. Linux.com and ONS have reported on the product, generating a lot of interest from companies and analysts.

After the technical exchange, many participants stopped at the Aliyun booth and learned about aliyun’s network product family and four application scenarios — global network construction, hybrid cloud deployment, custom virtual network and public network entrance and exit management through interactive demo. Many visitors expressed their understanding of ali Cloud’s brand and international influence, and further saw the profound accumulation and leading ability of Ali Cloud in network and SDN field on ONS.

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