What is this fairy interview guide? Half a month to see 25 big topics, unexpectedly won Ali P7offer???????

Let me brag about it a little bit. There are 25 topics in this interview guide:

  • Topic 1: JavaOOP interview questions
  • Topic 2: Java collections/generics interview questions
  • Topic 3: IO and NIO in Java
  • Topic 4: Java reflection interview questions
  • Topic 5: Java serialization interview questions
  • Topic 6: Java annotations interview questions
  • Topic 7: Multi-threading & Parallel writing questions
  • Topic 8: JVM interview questions
  • Topic 9: Mysql interview questions
  • Topic 10: Redis interview questions
  • Topic 11: Memcached Interview questions
  • Topic 12: MongoDB Interview questions
  • Spring Interview questions
  • Topic 14: Spring Boot interview questions
  • Spring Cloud interview questions
  • Topic 16: RabbitMQ interview questions
  • Topic 17: Dubbo interview questions
  • Topic 18: MyBatis interview questions
  • Topic 19: ZooKeeper
  • Topic 20: Data structure interview questions
  • Topic 21: Algorithmic interview questions
  • Topic 22: Elasticsearch
  • Topic 23: Kafka interview questions
  • Topic 24: Micro services
  • Topic 25: Linux interview questions


Pay attention to: Xiaobian has compiled these 25 topics interview questions + answers into a PDF document, if you need to pay attention to the following public account to obtain their own


Topic 1: JavaOOP interview questions


Detailed answers to JavaOOP interview questions are as follows:


Topic 2: Java collections/generics interview questions


Topic 3: IO and NIO in Java

1. IO streams in Java?


2. Differences between Java IO and NIO


3. Which IO classes are commonly used

4. The difference between byte stream and character stream

5. Block the IO model

6. Non-blocking IO model

7. Multiplexing IO model

8. Signal driven IO model

9. Asynchronous I/O model


11. NIO buffer

12. Non-blocking of NIO

13. Channel

14. Buffffer

15. Selector


Topic 4: Java reflection interview questions

1. What other methods can you use to create objects besides using new?


2. Is it more efficient to create objects by Java reflection or by new?

3. The role of Java reflection

4. Where is reflection used?

5. Implementation of reflection

6. Classes that implement Java reflection

7. Pros and cons of reflection

8. Java Reflection API

9. Reflection using steps (get Class object, call object method)

There are several ways to get a Class object

11. Use reflection to dynamically create object instances


Topic 5: Java serialization interview questions

1. What is Java serialization and how to implement it?

2. Save (persist) the object and its state to memory or disk

3. Serialized objects are held as byte arrays – static members are not saved

4. Serialize user remote object transfer

5. Serializable implementation

6. WriteObject and readObject customize serialization policies

7. Serialize ids

Serialization does not save static variables

9. The Transient keyword prevents the variable from being serialized to the file

10. Serialization (deep Clone 1 implementation)

Topic 6: Java annotations interview questions

1. What are the four standard meta-annotations?

2. What are annotations?

Topic 7: Multi-threading & Parallel writing questions


Multithreading & parallel development


Topic 8: JVM interview questions


Topic 9: Mysql interview questions


Topic 10: Redis interview questions


Topic 11: Memcached Interview questions


Topic 12: MongoDB Interview questions


Spring Interview questions


Detailed answer:


Topic 14: Spring Boot interview questions


Spring Boot Interview question:


Spring Cloud interview questions


Topic 16: RabbitMQ interview questions


RabbitMQ Interview question:


Topic 17: Dubbo interview questions


Topic 18: MyBatis interview questions





Topic 19: ZooKeeper

Follow the public account below to obtain it


Topic 20: Data structure interview questions

1. Stack

2. Queue

3. Linked Lists

4. Hash Table

5. Sort binary trees

6. The prefix tree

7. A red-black tree


9. The bitmap


Topic 21: Algorithmic interview questions


Algorithm interview question analysis is as follows:


Topic 22: Elasticsearch

The size of the index data, how many shards there are, and some tuning methods.

2. What is the inverted index of ElasticSearch

3. How to optimize and deploy elasticSearch when there is too much index data

4. How does ElasticSearch implement master voting

5. Describe the Elasticsearch document indexing process in detail

6. Describe the process of Elasticsearch in detail.

7. How to optimize the Linux Settings for Elasticsearch deployment

8. What is the internal structure of Lucence?

9. How does Elasticsearch implement Master voting?

10. What if 10 of the 20 Elasticsearch nodes select one master and the other 10 select another master?

11. When connecting to the cluster, how does the client select a specific node to execute the request?

12. Describe the process of indexing documents for Elasticsearch.

13. Describe in detail how Elasticsearch updates and deletes documents

14. Describe the Elasticsearch process in detail

15. How can I find an inverted index based on a word in Elasticsearch?

16. What are the optimizations for Linux Settings when Elasticsearch is deployed?

17. For GC, what do YOU need to know when using Elasticsearch?

18. How to implement Elasticsearch aggregation for large data (tens of millions of magnitude)?

19. What does Elasticsearch do to ensure read-write consistency in concurrent cases?

20. How do I monitor the Status of the Elasticsearch cluster?

21. Describe the overall technical architecture of your e-commerce search

22. Tell me about your personalized search solution?

23. Do you know dictionary trees?

24. How is spelling correction implemented?


Topic 23: Kafka interview questions


Kafka interview question analysis:


Topic 24: Micro services



Topic 25: Linux interview questions


JavaOOP, Java Collections/generics, IO and NIO in Java, Java reflection, Java serialization, Java Annotations, Multithreading & Concurrency, JVM, Mysql, Redis, Memcached, MongoDB, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, RabbitMQ, Dubbo, MyBatis, ZooKeeper, Data structure, algorithm, Elasticsearch, Kafka, Linux, etc. Can not a question a answer display (has been organized into PDF), so if you need, please forward (can help more people see yo! , remember to forward, and then pay attention to the below public number to get free download!!


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