Abstract: In order to support and promote the development of global geek culture, Alibaba Cloud IoT announced that it will hold the third Geek Innovation Challenge (GXIC). This competition is an intelligent innovation competition sponsored by the IoT Division of Alibaba Cloud. This competition will be open to the public for the first time. The competition will bring together all geeks who have ideas in creativity and design to enjoy the most pure innovation collision and make some breakthrough works of experience innovation.

Geek is a transliteration of the American slang word geek. Today, a geek is referred to as someone with an avid interest in computers and Internet technology. In China, with the rapid development of cloud computing, artificial intelligence and IoT, the number of geeks is increasing. With the support of these cutting-edge technologies, the creativity of geeks is gradually entering the life of the public.

In order to support and promote the development of global geek culture, Alibaba Cloud IoT announced that it will hold the third Geek Innovation Challenge (GXIC). This competition is an intelligent innovation competition sponsored by the IoT Division of Alibaba Cloud. This competition will be open to the public for the first time. The competition will bring together all geeks who have ideas in creativity and design to enjoy the most pure innovation collision and make some breakthrough works of experience innovation.

It was revealed that the Geek Challenge started in 2016 as an internal competition for Alibaba employees. That year, it attracted 36 teams and 150 contestants internally, with 11 teams making it to the finals. Black tech products, including AR connectors and smart home planting systems, won big awards. In the 2017 Geek Challenge, there were excellent works such as smart express boxes, future visitors and smart post stations. The sheer volume of creative work, coupled with the sheer intensity of the challenge, quickly brought GXIC to the attention of the geek community. This year, GXIC will be open to the public for the first time at the request of geeks around the world. Organizers expect the number of participants to reach 1,000 this year, which will make history.

According to the organizers, this challenge, the participating teams will use the Internet of Things suite provided by Alibaba Cloud IoT to carry out product design, at the same time, this challenge has determined the “wild animal and plant protection” and “extremely home Mercure life” two main competition topics, geeks will compete on this. Sixteen teams will be selected for the final competition, which will be held at hangzhou Computing Conference on September 19. Currently, GXIC’s official website has been launched, and geeks around the world can sign up on the website.

Registration address: iot.aliyun.com/GXIC2018

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