FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the domain name to access DataHub services

Region Extranet Endpoint Classic network ECS Endpoint (financial cloud) VPC ECS The Endpoint 1 east China (hangzhou) dh-cn-hangzhouhttp://dh-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.comhttp://dh-cn-hangzhou.aliyun-inc.com http://dh-cn-hangzhou .aliyun-inc.com

  1. How do you charge for DataHub services

Currently in public beta, users will not be charged anything.

  1. How to apply for RAM user account of cloud account

First, you need to open the Aliyun access control function, which is free. The procedure for creating a RAM user account is as follows: Log in to the RAM management console, choose User Management -> New User, enter the page for creating a user, and select “Automatically generate AccessKey option for this user”. For details, see the link.

  1. How to configure the access permissions of Connector in MaxCompute

Add a user to the MaxCompute Project and assign the CreateInstance privilege of the MaxCompute Project to the user. The Describe, Updte permissions

  1. Check whether the DataHub service performance is abnormal

If you encounter performance bottlenecks, perform the following steps to troubleshoot performance problems:

First, determine your network environment. We provide three different domain names: public network, classic ECS, and VPC. You can choose the most suitable domain name to use. DataHub is a high-performance streaming data processing service, which is sensitive to network delay. A high network delay will directly affect throughput performance. You can run the ping command to check network delay. If the throughput is still not high in the case of low latency and the performance indicator is far from that of DataHub, check whether the bandwidth of the local machine is congested (ECS users are advised to use the classic network or VPC domain name, otherwise the egress bandwidth will be occupied). 6. Why is the time field of Connector archived into MaxCompute system changed to 1970.xx.xx

The TimeStamp field in DataHub represents the TimeStamp with accuracy to microseconds, so please ensure that the TimeStamp value of microseconds is set when writing to the DataHub system.

Alibaba Cloud DataHub

Ali Cloud DataHub using tutorial

(DataHub service is the Streaming Data service provided by Ali Cloud, which provides the functions of Publish and Subscribe of Streaming Data, so that you can easily build analysis and applications based on Streaming Data.)

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