In recent years, the core middleware of Spring Cloud, represented by Netfilix Eureka, has stopped updating one after another. Many components are old in design and cannot meet the requirements of Internet giants in terms of performance.

Fortunately, Alibaba, the big brother of Domestic Internet enterprises, launched a perfect substitute for SpringCloud — SpringCloud Alibaba. Like Spring Cloud, Spring Cloud Alibaba is a microservices solution that contains the necessary components for developing distributed application microservices, making it easy for developers to use these components to develop distributed application services through the Spring Cloud programming model.

At present, Spring Cloud Alibaba has become the de facto domestic micro service technology standard, ** this is also an important reason why I strongly recommend learning Spring Cloud Alibaba to my friends. ** But many of my friends have problems in practice. In addition, Spring Cloud Alibaba emerged late, so there are few systematic courses and explanations on the market. Every time a friend asks me for help, I can only offer tentative advice and fragmentary knowledge.

However, I have recently compiled a practical note of SpringCloud Alibaba, which I think is very good. I would like to share it with partners in need, hoping it can bring you substantial help. Due to space reasons, the following only shows the contents of the directory screenshots, each chapter of this note has a navigation bar, if you need friends please forward support, and then click here [notes] to get it!

SpringCloud Alibaba Combat Notes directory

This note summarizes a large number of practical cases, graphs, tables and other forms to outline the outline of Spring Cloud Alibaba in all aspects, and explains the process of microservice construction. It is divided into six modules from basic construction to upper application:

Module 1: Microservice architecture design

This paper introduces what microservice architecture is and five common problems and solutions in microservice architecture design.

Module 2 Nacos service Governance

Nacos registry is the core of the entire microservice architecture. This column will introduce the installation, use and cluster building process of Nacos in detail, and introduce the basic principle of Nacos service discovery with pictures and texts.

Module 3: System protection

Sentinel is a service protection middleware provided by Alibaba. Sentinel can effectively prevent the systematic collapse of distributed architecture by using Sentinel. In this stage, we will explain the best practices of Sentinel, such as stream limiting, fuse breaking and code control.

Module 4: Advanced features

This module covers many of the advanced features offered by Spring Cloud Alibaba. For example: configuration center, link tracing, performance monitoring, distributed transactions, message queuing, etc., the column will explain each of these technologies from application introduction to principle analysis.

Module 5: Microservice communication

When there is communication between services, Spring Cloud Alibaba provides RPC and RESTful schemes, corresponding products are OpenFeign and Dubbo. This module column will give the best practice and principle analysis of these components.

Module 6 Microservices Architecture best practices

In this stage, the author will take out his own personal goods to explain the comprehensive application and project practice of micro-service architecture for you. Here you’ll be exposed to Seata distributed transaction architecture, multi-level cache design, legacy project upgrade strategies, microservices authentication and authorization systems, data consistency solutions, and container-based DevOps operations.

SpringCloud Alibaba combat note content display

Module 1: Microservice architecture design

Module 2 Nacos service Governance

Module 3 System protection

Module 5 Advanced features

Module three micro service communication

Module 6 Microservices Architecture best practices


In recent years, microservice has always been a popular skill question in the interview of Java programmers. Many friends always encounter difficulties and problems in learning. I hope the above document can give you a complete understanding of Spring Cloud Alibaba microservice architecture and enable you to independently build microservice architecture. You’ll also have a mature mind on key issues that will help you avoid pitfalls. Each chapter of this note has a navigation bar. If you need it, please forward it and then click [Notes] to get it!