2017.09.29 Updated baidu after three interviews received SP offer, Baidu map department, Base Beijing Ali was transferred to Ali Music, I have received the intention, Base Hangzhou, this is more lucky. Tencent’s intention is to operate and develop IEG, so it is slightly behind the scenes. Base Shenzhen netease Cloud Music has received the offer, base Hangzhou has completed all the three interviews with Baidu, and officially ended the autumn recruitment.

Summarize, now the Internet company to the requirement of the front-end improved a lot, not content to recruit a will only write the front end of the page, due to some MV * framework on the front end is popular, and many of the back-end business logic is also gradually migrate forward end, so the front during the interview, will involve a lot of things in addition to the base.

  1. Framework source code, this is now all big factories are very important, more in-depth reading of the source code that you understand the extent of the framework is not just to use, read the source code can be very good to enhance their code standardization, and in other framework development is very reference.
  2. Algorithm, some interview will put forward some commonly used algorithm questions, so for some basic algorithm ideas to have a certain understanding.
  3. Background, now the front end has been partial to the direction of the full stack, you can see the following face through a lot of questions are related to the background knowledge, if you can one or more background languages for interview and work are very helpful.
  4. The basics, the computer basics that the front end needs to understand are mostly networking, so it’s important to take a close look at HTTP and TCP/IP as well.

This article updated in 2017.09.06 to supplement the previous Baidu surface classics, although there is only one side. Yesterday, I received the offer from the pig farm and the intention of IEG. I will summarize my previous interview experience and give it back to the next cattle customers. Sohu, Pinduoduo and Huawei do not post.

985 slag master, the laboratory does not allow internship, so there is no internship experience.


One side

Baidu’s interview is quite basic:

  1. Let’s first write an object that satisfies A == ‘1’ and then ask the difference between == and ===.
  2. The implementation of the HTTP protocol cache and the packet header related to the cache. And the HTTP status code.
  3. Write a JSONP implementation by hand.
  4. The order in which code containing timers is executed. This is no problem if you understand JavaScript’s internal timer and event queue.
  5. The realization of round broadcast.
  6. Given a (010)111111, write code to convert the pattern string to 010-111111.
  7. For a question to which this refers, let’s say the result of running the code. There were a few coding questions, so the interview took a long time even though there were few questions.

Second interview

Two days after the first two, Baidu front-end interview for the foundation or more attention. This interviewer was also the only female programmer I had met in all of my technical interviews. Orz

  1. Know anything about asynchrony in JavaScript?
  2. Write an Ajax Promise wrapper.
  3. Write a NodeJS by handfs.readFileThe Promise wrapper for the method.
  4. Read the name of a file from another file, and then read the contents of another file, using the previous onefs.readFilePromise to implement, here we recommend you to usecatchTo carry outrejectCapture, there will be extra points.
  5. JavaScript callback functioncallback hellHow to solve.
  6. To learn more about ES6, let’s talk about some common approaches.
  7. How to deep copy an array.
  8. How to use ES6 generator functions to make asynchronous calls, by hand.
  9. Do you know much about CSS3?
  10. positionWhat are the differences and usage of several attributes?
  11. Several methods of generating BFC. I didn’t answer CSS very well. So the interviewer also asked me if I don’t write CSS very often…
  12. This header is commonly used in HTTP.

On three sides

The three sides seem to be the team leader, who is deeply involved in the project. If not their real implementation of the project, or in the project has some of their own creation. There’s a good chance you’ll be asked something wrong.

Mainly for their own projects encountered several technical difficulties for deep digging, will ask the project difficult solutions and specific implementation ideas, here will ask very detailed, and the problem is to dig along with your project.

In the project, there will be some teamwork problems, how to solve these problems, including interface coordination, coupling between some modules for collaborative development and so on.

After this interview, I received a message of intention. A company without HR interview should attach great importance to technology.

Ali Ant Financial

One side

Ali is very fond of asking about the source code of the company, while the interviewer said he was not interested in the basis, so he talked about the source code and the main process of the following modules. React, React-Router, Redux, and Vue are introduced in this paper. The advantages and disadvantages of Vue and React are compared. One side is very quick, that is, ten minutes, and finally talk with the interviewer RxJS dragged on for some time.

Second interview

The second interview, almost a week later, was again technical, with the source code and implementation principles of various frameworks and technologies derived from frameworks, followed by some basic questions.

  1. Git fetch and git pull
  2. The arrow operator this in ES6 points to the problem.
  3. The pseudo-class selector in CSS selects the last element in the list.
  4. JavaScript prototype chain, and how to implement inheritance.
  5. What do you think about the current front end and where are we going in the future?

It took less than 30 minutes.

Three sides HR:

  1. Ali’s HR sister is super cute and tells me she is a tech HR. QAQ.
  2. I asked about the project, the problems encountered in the project, my shortcomings, how to solve the problems in the project and so on.

Really is a technical HR little sister. Said there might be another round of technical interviews later.

Every leader

  1. The principle of HTTPS
  2. The role of port numbers
  3. Array of n elements, find a combination of the least number, such that the sum of the combination is m, using dynamic programming.
  4. A proxy server has a large blacklist of domain names. You can quickly filter the requests that pass through the proxy.
  5. Similar to the above, an advanced problem is how to quickly filter requests through proxy if there is a large blacklist of keywords.

Finally, I waited for the news until now (2017.09.06). The previous interviewer added wechat, saying that HC question may not be able to give the offer, so I felt that I did not cross GG, and asked about my existing problem. The interviewer said that an interviewer gave general data structure and algorithm, and it should be the leader. I didn’t answer the last question well.

Transfer to Ali Music

(2017.09.28) I thought ali was out of the picture, but after I was ready to sign the contract with netease, I received the news that I was transferred to Ali Music. I had a technical confirmation interview and asked a few difficult questions, so I had to wait for HR to contact me.

  1. What is the usual technology stack?
  2. How to solve the performance problem caused by the React component nesting?
  3. What does Redux mean to React?
  4. How does Redux address the issue of state bloat in use?
  5. What performance issues do webKit kernel have when rendering?
  6. How can these performance problems be avoided when programming?

Tencent IEG

Tencent IEG interview is very unfriendly to the front end. May also be the relationship between the department, finally checked his resume rating is A+, can be picked up at the end of the face is also pretty lucky.

The phone side

  1. What are the engines of MySQL?
  2. Proxy server load balancing, KeepAlive and LVS.
  3. How load balancing is implemented for laboratory projects.
  4. The MySQL database stores login logs of all users who log in more than 10 times on the same day. I mainly talked about lab projects and THINGS related to PHP and MySQL.

The phone 2 face

  1. Chat program
  2. How does PHP handle high concurrency requests
  3. This includes issues such as proxy, load balancing, and caching layer implementation, as well as differences between Apache and Nginx and PHP’s handling of blocking.
  4. PHP memory leak problem.
  5. Finally, we get to the only pure front-end problem of the five sides: closures.

Scene side:

Did a set of undergraduate course computer comprehensive examination paper above all… There e are operating systems, data structures, algorithms, computer networks, C, C++ and other content of the papers. I do is the heart ripples.

Then the interviewer asked if you were more familiar with C or C++, and I faltered and said C. Then let me write a C string to INT function…

I then asked how to format TCP requests using PHP.

Then I asked a lot of questions about algorithms and data structures for processing massive data requests, which are some very classic questions.

Finally did a puzzle, let use a coin to simulate random numbers 1, 2, 3. Good thing I’ve seen this before.

Site GM + HR

GM and HR basically talk about the same. These are some common HR questions, GM is basically talking about life. I don’t know what is going on. I have gone through the interview process and am waiting for the final announcement.

Netease Cloud Music

During the on-site interview in Hangzhou, I got up in the morning the previous day to meet Huawei, and took didi written test in the airport in the afternoon. The flight was delayed to hangzhou at more than 4pm in the evening, and I got up at 8am to go to netease, which was also for the offer.

One side

On the one hand, he is a big man who looks very tough. It was also the most nervous part of my interview. There’s too much pressure from the big boys.

First let’s analyze the effect of a Dropdown, update the contents of the dropdown list based on the data returned by the server, how to implement it, and whether the request needs to be delayed, known as debounce, and then write the code for debounce by hand.

How to implement and optimize a large number of images in the rotation graph, said the specific implementation of lazy-load, and then the implementation of animation switch, using three elements can be implemented. Two for animation effects, one for preloading images, and after a move, unmount and mount the elements that move out of the viewport to the end of the three elements.

We also asked about the Vue and React source code, and finally did a question about the function call this object binding.

Second interview

React update process, Transaction, Vue update process, React and React design ideas, what are the advantages and disadvantages of Vue and React? Even ANTD related ones have been asked… HOC component encapsulation, antD how to achieve component encapsulation, HOC implementation of React-Redux, the implementation of connect function, I still feel that I am not deep enough.

HR side

HR is in a rut. Internship, life, family problems. After the last part, I was asked to wait for another 10 minutes, and then check the result. The HR sister took me to see the director was really cute. Give little sister a call.

GM surface

In fact, it was a round of interview for ideas, focusing on ideas regardless of technology and implementation, understanding of the whole front-end technology stack and the web technology stack, casually asking some basic knowledge such as CSRF,XSS, browser thread model, and what kind of team would you like to join.

I’ve had so many interviews recently that’S all I can remember. I hope I can help you, and I can review the knowledge I didn’t understand well before. Attached is a link to the gold digger essay contest