As a programmer, reading JDK source code from time to time helps you gain a deeper understanding of your daily development environment. General a senior development engineer, can read some source code for their own promotion or pretty big. Here’s my own summary. Why read the source code? Now a project is basically inseparable from jar packages, third-party API, we can decompile to see some of the gods of the source code, so what are the benefits of reading source code?

1. Know your thoughts

Programmers do most of their work adding, deleting, and revising. For example, we wrote a requirement in dozens of lines of code. It feels fine, but other people can do it in a few lines. Learn from others.

2. Familiar with design patterns

There are 24 design patterns, and three major features of Java objects, all of which are embodied in good code.

3. Improve your code elegance

Our code may be more of a business requirement, but the source code is mostly elegant, such as JDK source code, which is very concise. To learn the source code writing.

4, know the principle, improve the interview ability

The size() method of concurrentHashMap is implemented in JDK7 and JDK8. The size() method of concurrentHashMap is implemented in JDK8.

So today everyone’s Gospel is coming! Here is an Ali JDK source book (2021 version), which systematically tells about THE JDK source code, if you get after often read to everyone’s coding ability must have a qualitative improvement!

Introduction to multithreading

The Atomic class explains in detail

Lock and Condition in detail

The synchronization tool class is explained in detail

Concurrency containers are explained in detail

Thread pools and futures in detail

ForkJoinPool explains

CompletableFuture explains in detail

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