Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate – Big Data

Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate (ACA) is a professional technical certification for the use of Alibaba Cloud’s big data products, mainly involving Alibaba Cloud’s big data computing, storage, development platform and basic products of data applications. It is a comprehensive test and ability certification for students to master the technical skills of Ali Cloud big data products.

Ali Cloud Big Data Assistant Engineer Certification details:

Ali Cloud Big data Assistant Engineer certification

(Only after purchasing the certification package, can you learn all courses, each online experiment has two opportunities to participate in, learning will consume the number of experiments, please pay attention to control the time and use times.)

The certification process

1 Purchase Authentication

2 Study courses/online experiments

3 Online exam

4 Obtaining e-cert

Course list


Certification is introduced

This paper mainly introduces the value, learning objectives and learning methods of ali Cloud Big data assistant engineer certification.


Overview of Big Data

This paper mainly introduces the definition, development history and value of big data, as well as the current popular big data technology.


Introduction to digital plus platform

This paper mainly introduces the concept, positioning, main products and functions of Aliyun Digital plus platform.


Master analytical databases

This paper mainly introduces the basic concepts and operations of analytical database.


Master MaxCompute

This section describes the MaxCompute product concept, architecture, basic usage methods, data upload and download, and security permission management.


Master big data development suite DataIDE

This paper mainly introduces the basic concepts, functions, data development, task scheduling, data synchronization, data management and project management of DataIDE, a big data development suite.


Master recommendation engines

This paper introduces the basic concept and usage of recommendation engine, and demonstrates its operation.


Master the intelligent BI service platform Quick BI

This paper mainly introduces the product functions and data management operations of Quick BI, an intelligent BI service platform, as well as how to quickly build data reports and data portals.


Master DataV data visualization

This paper mainly introduces the function of DataV data visualization product, data large screen and basic operation demonstration.


Master machine learning PAI

This paper mainly introduces the basic knowledge of machine learning, the use of Aliyun machine learning PAI, common machine learning algorithms and basic operations.


Twelve hands-on experiments

Official website of Ali Yun University (Official website of Ali Yun University, Innovative Talent Workshop under cloud Ecology)